
DXIII 513 I have tried to explain why 3.5 billion years of carbon sequestration, has been the driving force behind "almost" every single extinction event in Earth's History!

   But everyone seems to want to see humanity as the cuprite, why? We were not even on the planet until perhaps a few hundred thousand years ago and unable to affect the planet's climate until we were forced to become an agricultural-based society only a little more than 10,000 years ago!          Why have we been teaching this to our children? Understandably, we can be seen as totally responsible for damages that can be put directly at our feet for pollution, loss of the protective Ozone layer, (yes we have learned from our mistakes) red tides, and even wars that destroy not just ourselves but parts of the Earth's environment as well!            But we can not be held responsible for the loss of so much of our planet's temperature-regulating abilities brought about by low carbon dioxide levels in Earth's atmosphere, which are directly caused by all carbon-based life on Earth! All of that happened millions of years prior to humanity's appearance on the planet!     

DXII 512 Hong Kong , over 3,500 downloads over the last 3 months with me having only around 500 post, so on average 7 downloads per post!

      But do you know what the awe-inspiring thing is? NOT ONE COMMENT!!!         How can that possibly be? Interesting enough to download so many posts, yet they must be so well written that everyone can completely understand what the solution is, how it works and how to pay for everything! Ernest Hemingway has noting on me! Dan

511 DXI In August of this year, it will be 5 years since I first started this blog site " but over 15 years since I first did enough research of scientistic paper.

     Why did I wait so long? Since all of the research has already been done by others, and it was so well documented that others would surely do exactly the same thing that I did, and with the scientific community behind them, why would they need my input! I was not trying to figure out Global Warming and Climate Change, I was just trying to find out why Earth was not around 3,500 years into another ice-age!       Back in grade school in a little two-room school house in Davey, Nebraska. One of the teachers was Mrs Florence Bone, I thought that she was the Smartest person in the world, and she was teaching about ice-ages! She was telling us that Earth would go into an ice-age and then out of an ice-age into what was called an inter-glacial period! She had graphs showing that while ice ages themselves keep getting longer and longer over the 2.5 million years that Earth had them, the inter-glacial period would remain at around 10,000 years long! However, the present ice-age was already

510 DX, What are some of the leading problems facing Humanity, related to the eternal question of "WHY ARE WE HERE"

 Let's begin with, why that question is so universal and has caused so much hate, bigotry, and human suffering.  There are three main lines involved in this question. The personal, communal, and governmental or religious ideology can tie people together worldwide! The problem comes when competing ideologies create divisions and even hate. In some ways, the same can be said of political beliefs! Right now we are talking about WHY WE ARE HERE as a species, not as a religious, political, or physiological concept! Scientists see evolution or adaptation as random changes that allow future offspring a better chance of continuation! But how can that be? Any random change will never be able to influence anyone but their own offspring. Even if the random change is beneficial, it could never be passed on to a whole species even in ten thousand generations. and we are not talking about a single beneficial change, but thousands of necessary changes that were needed to happen in the 200,000 to

509 DIX Hong Kong

While I appreciate any exposure to Life Cycle of a Planet by Daniel James Kadavy! Since you entered the scene, no one else can see or read my posts!!! That I do not appreciate! 

507 Good Morning Hong Kong, for over a month now you have been downloading my blog site ""

You have now downloaded just about every one of my posts several times, which would indicate several people's involvement. Thank you, while the whole idea is to get this information out to as many people on the planet as possible, the only ones that I see every day are from Hong Kong, while normally I get around 10 to 20 downloads each day from many places on the planet, that is not happening now! I very much hope that you are not limiting who can see this information.  I am reading that within the last year, site visits from Hong Kong has gone up over many different issues, not just on how to repair the planet, leaving me to both wonder and worry! Especially why I am not being directly connected? Dan

507 Does everyone understand how long it takes Scientists to agree about a new idea?

It took almost 50 years for scientists to accept plate tectonics as fact with all of the evidence that is spread around the planet!!! Do you know one of the biggest reasons for such understanding to take place? Because the previous generation of scientists had to die off. Once something is learned, especially in a higher educational place of learning people have all invested their time, money, and the standing that they receive, which all convey prestige for the individuals involved!!! The same can be seen going back in time, from the washing of hands to rid a doctor of bacterial organisms before delivering a baby, to understanding evolution, only through time and the incoming of new generations of people in professional capacities, do new ideas become accepted!!! This interruption of new ways of seeing how life works has severe consequences for humanity! And right now with our lack of understanding of the causes behind Global Warming and Climate Change, we are going down a path that l