DXIII 513 I have tried to explain why 3.5 billion years of carbon sequestration, has been the driving force behind "almost" every single extinction event in Earth's History!

   But everyone seems to want to see humanity as the cuprite, why? We were not even on the planet until perhaps a few hundred thousand years ago and unable to affect the planet's climate until we were forced to become an agricultural-based society only a little more than 10,000 years ago!

        Why have we been teaching this to our children? Understandably, we can be seen as totally responsible for damages that can be put directly at our feet for pollution, loss of the protective Ozone layer, (yes we have learned from our mistakes) red tides, and even wars that destroy not just ourselves but parts of the Earth's environment as well!
         But we can not be held responsible for the loss of so much of our planet's temperature-regulating abilities brought about by low carbon dioxide levels in Earth's atmosphere, which are directly caused by all carbon-based life on Earth! All of that happened millions of years prior to humanity's appearance on the planet!
        Once ideas become so mainstream we stop even challenging them for fear of sounding like we do not even understand the damage humanity has caused! Yes, we all start to separate ourselves into different camps based on outward appearances and statements we have made over time! 
         Much of this can be placed directly at the feet of scientists, politicians, and older generations passing on their personal beliefs! Scientists use so many abbreviations that no one but other scientists can easily understand what they are talking about. How does that educate others? Politicians seldom actually say what they mean, instead, they love to imply ideas that can seem to satisfy the most amount of people without promising anything! While our parents and older generations pass on beliefs that were outdated when they were young!

        BOTH SIDES OF THE GLOBAL WARMING AND CLIMATE CHANGE ISSUE ARE SOMEWHAT RIGHT AND SOMEWHAT WRONG! Yes, humanity's addition of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere has warmed the planet up! But without that extra warmth, Earth would already be around 3,500 years into another neverending "Snowball Earth Event"! But no it is not mankind's fault, that extreme temperatures are causing extreme weather! That is directly caused by Earth having to limit where abundant carbon-based life could exist because of naturally occurring carbon sequestration, and we are left with first understanding why and then how to repair Earth's lost temperature-regulating capabilities! 
        That does of course make mankind the only species on the planet that can repair Earth. For no other species can replant the arid and semi-arid areas by using massive amounts of infrastructure to move as much of the freshwater rivers of the planet to do so! I hate to say this, but our species was designed to do just this, how, who, does that mean that there must be a God? I do not personally believe in any type of God, but many will use this statement as proof that God exists! I am just saying that every species is somehow designed to fill a niche, does that mean that it, therefore, must be done by God? No, it just means that I personally do not know! For around 3 billion years life was very basic, but right after the last Snowball Earth Event that had lasted for around 300,000,000 years, most life on Earth started becoming much more complex, and the interaction between those species became much more confrontational! That could actually influence other species of life so that a balance could be achieved. Did this happen prior to 800,000,000 years ago when the last Snowball Earth Event first started, and carbon-based life was simpler? Or are we simply another species designed to keep balance on the planet so that all carbon-based life can continue? That could explain the diet requirements of many different species on the planet! Now if only some species could be designed to eat the shells of clams, oysters, and other sea life that protect themselves by some hard covering instead of falling to the great waters of the planet's bottoms to be turned into massive layers of limestone, removed from other carbon-based life access until the planet's somewhat active plate tectonics could return it back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, then that would help in extending all carbon-based life Earth! Not a complete solution such as mankind can be in actively keeping carbon dioxide levels within certain parameters, but for only as long as humanity can remain as a viable species on the planet ourselves!!! 
       I cannot do this alone, one person shouting about what all Carbon-Based life needs to continue, as has been seen in the last 5 years, has resorted in 'NO COMMENTS AT ALL" in hundreds of thousands of hits! Hopefully, there are people out there who can follow the same trail as I have in reading thousands of research papers put forth by researchers and Scientists! As always I can be reached at 402-890-7946 I live in Nebraska USA!


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