CCCVI Global Warming and Climate Change} How do we deal with mistruths, lies, and one-sided opinions, that is truly a hard question and also easy!

When dealing with an older individual, there is no way to consistently help people understand, this is especially true in regards to race relations and religion. But with the young the opposite is true, give the young a solid background in many of the religions of the planet, and they will surprise you on how quickly they can understand how in step, each basic tenet of all the significant ideas, are very much the same. Then explain how all of the races on the planet are really a mixture of early man that was then delineated into more defined characteristics based on how each population and their environment were interwoven with surrounding circumstances. Then the big one "SEX" it is amazing how few young people understand even at puberty what their body is going through, and why. This knowledge is only discovered over a length of time that can have profound and life-altering consequences, leading to many false ideas and beliefs! A uniformity of education over many of the basic fundamentals of knowledge, needs to be established. Then we have the big question, how do we teach people to separate understanding and knowledge, from beliefs, the facts of the matter is that we can not! Mankind is far from understanding everything that there is to know about almost anything, we can harness power in many different forms, but understanding everything about those power sources, is not yet with-in mankind's abilities. The way that mankind uses almost every type of energy is to convert it to heat, and then make steam to turn a generator to produce electricity. In doing so much of the energy is lost in this conversion! Even when we use moving water and wind, it is first converted by a generator into D.C. current and then converted to A.C. current for distribution and in doing so, we lose at least some of the available energy depending on the efficiency of this conversion. Many times we then need to take the converted A.C. current and make it into D.C. for many of our devices that seem to run on A.C. really if they have batteries are D.C. driven! Only by giving the young the ability to make an informed decision, by explaining to the best of our ability how life works so that they can teach others, including their elders, why something is or is not the correct way of looking at something. Will this allow everyone to see everything the same? NO but at least everyone will be starting with many of the same "facts", and the conclusions and interpretations that are then reached need to be based on those "facts"! Right now, I am absolutely certain that mankind does not have enough facts concerning Global Warming and Climate Change to understand the true nature of the problem the planet is facing! And for one simple reason, that it has been driven into our brains since we were children, that the Earth is perfectly capable of maintaining life as it has been doing for a very long time, and if there is a problem then it "must" be because of mankind! So that means that we only have to understand the changes that mankind has caused to understand how to repair the planet! If we start with the wrong premise, it becomes very hard to find the right solution! Scientists are taught that when conducting an experiment, the goal should not be to prove that what you believe is right, will be proven by the experiment! In doing so, you will have contaminated any finding by both your expectations and perhaps by your design of the experiment to be weighted in that direction. This is why others, must be able to both, recreate your finding, and perhaps design other experiments that will also either confirm or challenge those findings! Yet every scenio that man has used to repair Global Warming and Climate Change has highlighted "greenhouse gases"! None have even talked about, how arid and semi-arid areas of the planet has had a profound effect on temperature extremes, because someone years ago suggested that the highs and lows over a 24 hour period balance out each other! WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! Deserts have an immense effect on the creation of winds around the planet, and therefore the movement and collection of temperature extremes around the planet. We need to create enough knowledge of past life on the planet, long before mankind ever arrived, to begin to understand what carbon sequestration over the last 3 billion year has caused our planet to become! We already truly have this information, we simply have not put this knowledge into a concise enough book to explain the ever so slow lost of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and how that has truly been the driving force for all life on the planet! Or to be more accurate, why exiction events happen so slowly we really do not see this in the fossil beds, for it can and does take millions of years to change from one type of plant life to another! We see this not as being caused by changing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with an even slower increase of solar energy received from the sun, but as an evolutionary process. Which I do not agree that it is. it is an adaptation process, these can both be the same thing, evolutionary, or adaptation, but not to me, I see evolution as Charles Darwin did in surviving because those that could stay alive to breed could pass down genes that helped that to happen, this is where survival of the fittest came into being. For a plant to be able to adapt to every slowly lowering carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, this is not about being stronger, faster, with a longer beak design, these are simple modifications that exist as genes are combined. Adaptation in plants would need to include a changing in a fundamental way of how carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water conservation come together in producing energy! This needs a much more complex design change, then simple mixing of genes would allow! I do not know how that would be accomplished. I understand that this type of adaptation has happened many times in the planet's history, giving birth via an egg, or by live young, being cold blooded or being able to regulate a constant internal temperature. swimming, crawling, walking or flying! I see these types of changes as adaptation not the simple gene mixing, that can create evolution! Today is Dec. 29, 2020 almost a new year is upon mankind, have we learned enough to go forward and not just maintained the status quo? So much has changed in the last 12 months, Black lives matter, covid-19, a new vaccine, what will the next generation, looking back say, will we be remembered as the one of the greatest generations as those who survived both the great depression and World War II, or will we simply see the stock market as a gauge of our worth! Or the phones we carry around with us. Reach me by phone in the USA at 402-890-7946, of contact me by g-mail at  or go to to continue reading about the only way to repair our one and only planet and why. Thank you, tell others about that crazy guy in Nebraska who knows what mankind needs to do to repair the planet, and more importantly "WHY"


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