Global Warming and Climate Change} Lost of available carbon vs. too much C02 in atmosphere!

Global Warming and "The life cycle of a planet"
By Daniel Kadavy  402-890-7946  Cortland Nebraska                                                                                                                                                                                                               
The planet is running out of carbon, which is the mainstay of all life on the planet! Something has to be done to mitigate this. And yet Global Warming is changing the planet that humans are used to, which means, rising sea levels, more rainfall in places, less rainfall in other places, temperature extremes, and storm events increasing, why is this happening, and how do we respond to the changes from what we call "normal climate". "Life cycle of a Planet by Daniel James Kadavy" is a short 12-page paper that explains how these seeming at odds ideas have been made to come about. And then offers the correct response to solve these problems, The solution also solves several serious issues including, the refugee crisis, and increasing flooding issues, due to the changing norms on the planet. 
    Perpetual motion is never possible even on a planetary scale, even with an outside energy source such as our sun, there is always some requirement for life that begins to run short over time. On the Earth, there are now several ingredients that are becoming more scarce, but the one that mankind has unwittingly helped mitigate is the ever so slow loss by sequestration of available carbon, in the form of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, necessary for there to remain plant life, and therefore all carbon-based life on the planet! Iron is another ingredient that has been removed in great enough quantities that many places in the oceans lack abundant life due to this loss, and these areas are referred to "Ocean Deserts".
    When I am talking about loss, what this is referring to is "sequestration" there is just as much carbon and iron on the planet as there was when the Earth first formed, plus whatever amounts have been deposited over the eons from space dust and meteors, However, life changes both of these elements and a very small percentage of this material is sequestrated away from the life cycle as plants die and are buried The oceans are by far the greatest place that sequestration takes place there are simple so many lifeforms in the ocean that uses shells for protection and some of those shells never are returned back into the carbon cycle but fall to the bottom of the oceans and covered with either more shells or simple buried deep into sediments creating hundred of feet thick beds of limestone. Iron loss on the planet take place for somewhat different reasons when iron comes in close contact to free oxygen it binds together and becomes iron oxide that we can see in so many beaulful landscapes around the planet, the Sahara desert and the winds that blow across many iron rich rocks are some of the best places for erosion to bring this iron back into the iron cycle of life, yet winds only can carry this iron rich material so far this is why there are areas of the oceans that are considered deserts, for without iron even in tiny amount life becomes slight. 
    Scientists, have understood this for quite some time and instead of bringing the necessary iron into these areas they chose not to because of the idea of unintended consequences, "what if" so they sit on there hands when they have the ability to actually make a difference in life. Just as they do nothing to stop fertilizer that farmers use to grow crop from reaching the oceans where the resulting algal blooms use up the available oxygen in the waters killing not just the algal but also other life, then anaerobic bacterial feed on the dead life producing poisonous red tides, that only time and wave action dissipate, while installing pumps to inject oxygen into the areas of concern prior to the algal actions, life could continue, no red tides!( yes they tell farmers not to use so much fertilizer, as if that would make enough difference when no one knows when the rains will come washing unused fertilizer out of the soils, yet would have been used by the crops if the rains were not so strong)
     Scienctists, are not to only set on the side lines and record what they have found, and hoping others will learn from past mistakes, that is madness! Science is suppose to lead the way forward, if there is documented damaging occurring do not just wait for others to act, act!  15 years ago, their were many scientist on the side line concerning climate change and global warming but in the last few years they have almost been force to agree that it is only mankind's addition of 150 part per million of carbon dioxide to blame for it! Nothing about anything prior to mankind's appearance on the planet! Did mankind cause the ice ages of course not there was no recognizable species of mankind on the planet yet, so what did cause them? Yes mankind did cause them to stop, for how long that is dependant on how long mankind can remain a viable species on the planet, if we every do disappear from the planet then it will be just a matter of time before, the then unavoidable happens, and carbon dioxide levels will drop below the point of no return, hello the next-last-neverending-ice-age in time becoming another snowball Earth!
    Please feel free to call or e-mail me at,    you could also write to me at 1201 south 12th road Cortland, Nebraska 68331  402-890-7946 or if you wish to read more you can go to  Thank you, Dan


  1. We must be willing to teach and learn what life is about not just sit on the sidelines and hope that others will take up the challenge' because the only ones who will be willing to do so are only after the money that they can make from everyone else while not repairing the planet at all. It is like the corporation's that are now saying "use our product" and we will plant a tree everytime you do. Planting trees are not going to repair the planet's temperature regulating abilities that was lost by the planet's creation of so many arid and semi-arid areas around the world! Daniel

  2. The only extinction event on the planet that was not driven by the removal of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere was the asteroid hit that ended the dinosaurs rein. Every other time


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