
Showing posts from September, 2019

Global Warming and Climate Change} Lost of available carbon vs. too much C02 in atmosphere!

Global Warming and "The life cycle of a planet" By Daniel Kadavy  402-890-7946  Cortland Nebraska                                                                                                                                                                                                                The planet is running out of carbon, which is the mainstay of all life on the planet! Something has to be done to mitigate this. And yet Global Warming is changing ...

Global Warming and Climate Change} if we are putting too much C02 in the atmosphere?

Global Warming, Solutions to Man-made causes of extra CO2. Daniel Kadavy 402-890-7946                                                                      My friend keeps saying that the only thing that is important about the issue in my short paper is the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the movement of large amounts of water should help with that because it would lower those levels because of increased plant life it would bring about. However, she doesn't see why the planet running out of carbon could be happening, if we are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. She said that I need to explain better, so here goes.        When the last ice age ended, approximately 13,000 years ago the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was between 200 and 300 parts per million and n...

Global Warming, Discussion and comments

 Global Warming, Discussion and comments.                                                                                                       Without comments and views from people who have read my blog "life cycle of a planet" and then telling other about the blog, it will take years for this very important paper to get the circulation that is required to start a meaningful conversation. So i am asking everyone to forward this paper to anyone you think that has some feeling on either side of the issue of global warming. The stakes are too high, that the wrong responses will cost monies, that should be used for the right reasons. Wisdom of the masses, and not political my side their side.  Daniel James Kadavy my phone #...