485 Let's talk about micro collection of water over ever acre or hectare of land after a rain!
I live in Nebraska, in the middle of the United States of America. Growing up on a farm with two parents and 10 brothers and sisters. So I was quite aware of the erosion of soils from our fields after every heavy rain. My Father had the land terraced and created grass waterways to slow down the runoff and slow down erosion. but we could never stop it completely! So not only did we lose a little soil from each time it rained we also had water runoff that took that soil (always topsoil "the most fertile soil") and lost that water which, in Southeast Nebraska, was always in short supply! Had there been a way to collect all of that soil ladened water, just before it left my parent's property we could have enjoyed a better yield on our crops and maintained the land better for future generations of farmers! While terracing land helps greatly in reducing water erosion, it does not stop it or prevent flooding, when you add up just how...