
Showing posts from June, 2021

395 So many governments around the planet, have almost no regard for their subjects, their wards, their masses, their police and army's are used to keep them in power.

          The political system in many of these countries is designed to maintain their power or in many cases prevent voting from those who are most unlikely to vote for them! The United States has a very long history of doing just that, starting first with only white male property owners! But most counties have had many of the same issues concerning those in power doing almost anything to stay in power. Where does that leave our young, disenchanted, with what life has to offer them? On much of the planet, it is not just those running the counties but also drug lords, crime syndicates, sex traffickers, and even slave traders who put barriers between dreams and reality! Even education can be with-held from many, who wishes to improve their lives trying to work within a broken system. We see the results everywhere over the planet, almost 100,000,000 refugees have fled their own countries, over the last 20 years! Ten's of millions of people died from wars, co...

394 What is "Free Speech" The Supreme Court has already ruled that you can not yell fire in a crowded space, where harm may result!

           Free speech, what does that mean? Over the last few years, it seems to mean that any idea, no matter how illogical, has to be taken seriously, and the only way to be considered successful is to see how many others will start parroting that viewpoint. Our political situation about who really won the presidency does not need to be based on facts but only on who's yelling the loudest. This is not the way we need to decide issues, lies, false narratives, putting beliefs before truths, all of these need to be called out, and can not hide behind "free speech". There must be consequences for twisting truths into misconceptions and lies, serious consequences. Perhaps we need to go back to pre-taping all forums so that before a topic is delivered for viewing, all facts can be verified, and corrected, or deleted as needed. Those, who would be verifying the information given would need to come from a background of knowledge and respect, differences are...

393 There has been quite a bit of talk about trying to recreate the actions of a giant long lasting volcano to slightly covering the planet with dust!

            This would hopefully, reduce the sunlight hitting the planet's surface and helping to reduce Global Warming. I have been asking myself that if I did not understand the true nature of the most serious problem that the planet has ever faced, (the extinction of all carbon-based life on the planet due to carbon sequestration over the last 3 billion years) would I like a plan that may require much less effort on everyone's part? That answer would of course be yes, even with all of the other actions that we are being told would still be important, less carbon footprint, more green energy use, much more recycling of everything that mankind produces. Letting others decide how much "shade" would be required as levels of greenhouse gases fluctuate over time, would let the rest of us to go about life with little thought of other than what products we should buy to help in our small way, towards a better planet! And the expected price tag of 10 billion...

392 When mankind finally realize that we can no longer allow so much freshwater to be taken out of use, by mixing with salt water, that will start it all!

          Every drop of freshwater is also mixed with soils, nitrates, chemicals, and pollutions that damage the oceans, but could benefit the plant life on land. The "plan" saves and reuses all of this water, but we should start to think of it as both money and life. One of the great things about where freshwater and saltwater mixes, is that the elevation is the same the world over, and much of the need for this freshwater is not much higher in elevation than that point. Whenever possible, gravity should be used instead of pumping stations. Along with freshwater, one of the great losses of nutrients is how mankind treats its wastewater and all of the compostable material that we throw away, everything needs to be reused and saved, not changed into methane by bacterial so plant life losses much of the potential for growth.                                      ...

391 How do we see ourselves, both on the personal level, and as a collective? I do not believe that there is a simply answer for the question!

          If mankind was more like a beehive, we would all know how we fit into working together to make a better whole. Alas, we are not, nor are we solitary creatures that only come together to mate and reproduce. And yet, there are among us just about every type of personality that we have observed, in the animal kingdom! It is therefore easy to see ourselves in almost every kind of animal on the planet, many go so far as to say they have an animal spirit that helps them cope with the world. Our connection with this planet is not tentative or impassionate, but much more complex than we even understand. With feelings that few ever even think about, it is easy to see one thing but not how it connects with ourselves. One of the things that almost every American driver does that baffles me is when they come upon something lying in the middle of the road that has the potential of causing damage to a car or worst causing an accident they simply avoid it if the...