395 So many governments around the planet, have almost no regard for their subjects, their wards, their masses, their police and army's are used to keep them in power.

        The political system in many of these countries is designed to maintain their power or in many cases prevent voting from those who are most unlikely to vote for them! The United States has a very long history of doing just that, starting first with only white male property owners! But most counties have had many of the same issues concerning those in power doing almost anything to stay in power. Where does that leave our young, disenchanted, with what life has to offer them? On much of the planet, it is not just those running the counties but also drug lords, crime syndicates, sex traffickers, and even slave traders who put barriers between dreams and reality! Even education can be with-held from many, who wishes to improve their lives trying to work within a broken system. We see the results everywhere over the planet, almost 100,000,000 refugees have fled their own countries, over the last 20 years! Ten's of millions of people died from wars, coups, ethnic cleaning, you name a reason, or no reason at all that can be fathomed. With the dead being a simple consequence of someone's need to retain or achieve power! Are such people ever held responsible for their actions? Very rarely and with as few true consequences as possible!                                       The Planet's need is of paramount importance at this junction in time, mankind's needs while important on our scale, are of no concern to the planet and her needs, which must take precedence over our petty drives for power. Fortunately, mankind's needs and the planet's needs have run parallel to each other, ever since mankind has been on the planet. Just in the last 100 years have this overlap begun to be seen as problematic, yet it also has allowed the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to rise to levels high enough to begin replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet without lowering the levels in the atmosphere to a point where either another ice-age is triggered, or yields of food production drop enough to cause more famines for mankind. The sweet spot is where both mankind's needs and the planet's needs have come together so that both can be serviced without negative results for either. The "plan" is the only way forward to secure that all carbon-based life and mankind can prosper going forward. Dan 


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