393 There has been quite a bit of talk about trying to recreate the actions of a giant long lasting volcano to slightly covering the planet with dust!
This would hopefully, reduce the sunlight hitting the planet's surface and helping to reduce Global Warming. I have been asking myself that if I did not understand the true nature of the most serious problem that the planet has ever faced, (the extinction of all carbon-based life on the planet due to carbon sequestration over the last 3 billion years) would I like a plan that may require much less effort on everyone's part? That answer would of course be yes, even with all of the other actions that we are being told would still be important, less carbon footprint, more green energy use, much more recycling of everything that mankind produces. Letting others decide how much "shade" would be required as levels of greenhouse gases fluctuate over time, would let the rest of us to go about life with little thought of other than what products we should buy to help in our small way, towards a better planet! And the expected price tag of 10 billion per year, "peanuts" the U. S. alone injected around 4 trillion dollars into the economy to help off-set covid-19 losses. That is Trillion with a T, 4,000 times more than 1 billion or 400 times less than what the estimate of shading the planet would cost over a 1-year period. Would that not be the best deal of the century? You Bet. Thank you, Bill Gates, and the others who would bring about such a welcoming answer! And perhaps we would not even need to design aircraft that could deliver the necessary payload into the upper reaches of the atmosphere, we could copy volcano outputs by creating rail-guns that could introduce massive amounts of the necessary dust where it would be needed, using train tracks to move the rail-guns around the planet to take advantage of positions and current wind patterns. Why does it always seem that there is a "but"? Well in this case, while a temporary short-term answer could help delay mankind's short-term problem, it could also stop research on the true nature of the planet's long-term survival of carbon-based life, (hoping of course of getting scientists interested in looking outside the box and back longer than just since mankind has been here) plus it would almost be guaranteed to create more drought's around the planet, (due to reduced evaporation, of the 71% of the planet that is covered by water) reduce food production, not just by the droughts but many plants in the C-3 family are used to sunlight being the leading factor once all other needs are met, (water, carbon dioxide, and fertilizer) for how much yield will be available at harvest! If the "plan" was also in use during "The Shade Plan" much of the negatives could be mitigated, by the full implementation of the "plan". But would there also be negatives for the "plan"? Way too early to even guess on that outcome, too many unknowns to even speculate on, and how would we even know which one is doing what! What the "plan" does is recreate life on the planet prior to the start of the ice-ages that started around 2.5 million years ago, while maintaining ice in qualities large enough to mitigate sea-level rise. What future generations do to maintain all carbon-based life on the planet is not the responsibility of this generation to decide, we can only lead, and explain, how we came to the conclusions that we felt were best for our time! Without the understanding of how every planet in the universe will need to come face-to-face with sequestration of something in their atmosphere that only a thinking and acting species can mitigate to prevent the total collapse of that life. And once that thinking and acting species become no longer viable on that planet, then the total collapse will have only been postponed, never stopped (at least I can not see a way around the lack of a thinking and acting species could have somehow cause sequestration to be stopped with-out completely breaking down how life itself progresses, perhaps a life form that can only reproduce with-in certain levels of atmospheric gases in the atmosphere.) Orson Scott Card did foresee such a need in one of his books where "piggies" were used as unknowing manipulators, of their planet's life-forms. Was that simply more rambling on my part or did that make sense? Well, it does not matter, I am sure someone will think it was, and some may not care one way or another. Please tell as many people as you can about that crazy guy in Nebraska! I can be reached 24/7 at 402-890-7946 or you can g-mail me @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com, or read more @ <https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com> Thank You, Dan
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