
Showing posts from July, 2022

466 There are now around 1,000,000 words from me, on what the planet is facing, and the only way to repair it, mankind must be viable to do it.

      I am not trying to start a new religion, or put down one set of people in favor of another, or even try and justify the terrible things that mankind has done both to mankind and the planet! Personally, I believe that most people on the planet are good and willing to help each other. Mass shootings seem to completely break down the fight or flight response, giving the shooter ample time to kill many! Very seldom do you hear of people swarming the shooter, with anything and everybody at hand, your chances of survival go greatly up when this happens, both by confusing the shooter and getting help to those injured much quicker. Even the police outside, for some reason, are hesitant to confront the shooter, so hoping to be rescued while hiding from someone with a gun is not a good option. Nor is arming people with guns a viable option, unless they are to be required to go through a gun handling class. Even then 1 against 1 is a crap shoot, 20 against 1 is not so much. Be...

465 For the last 3 years I have been trying to bring the needed attention to what 3.5 BILLION YEARS of SEQUESTRATION has caused on Earth!

       I am many things, but being computer knowledgeable is not one of them. I can look up information given enough time, but I learn by doing, not by reading about something. Sometime back I discovered two sites on the internet, Medium, and Quora. They are sites where many things are discussed and I thought, great here are two sites that seem to be what I need to start that ALL-IMPORTANT BEGINING CONVERSATION of seeing how life on any planet works in a new way. Both sites had an awful lot of drivel and ignorance on them both, but they also were about asking questions. Seemingly willing to at least look at other options, alas when it comes to Global Warming and Climate Change, it is all about mankind being simply a virus on the planet. If we do not completely change how we have treated the planet, we must go the way of the dodo bird and let the planet fix herself! Both sites will not allow my posts to be seen, nor will either site's moderators engage me, or better y...

464, CDLXIV Talking about mankind being the planet's only hope, sometimes underscores that agreeing with scientists, on removing CO2 works!

       The "plan" does exactly that, by replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, which will reduce the level of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere to the levels that scientists believe will stop Global Warming and Climate Change. Plus reduce extreme temperatures and therefore extreme weather! Trying to replant so much of the planet will completely fail, without the infrastructure to bring fresh water to those areas! There is simply no way to increase plant life enough in areas that receive enough rainfall to maintain them, and still, reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere enough!     What will the plan accomplish? It will 1) Stop almost all of the pollution that mankind deposits in the seas and oceans! 2) It will reduce the hunger that too little fresh water brings. 3) It will prevent flooding by the creation of holding ponds around the planet so that when excess rainfall occurs these waters are safely channeled away. 4) Bringing water to dry a...