465 For the last 3 years I have been trying to bring the needed attention to what 3.5 BILLION YEARS of SEQUESTRATION has caused on Earth!
I am many things, but being computer knowledgeable is not one of them. I can look up information given enough time, but I learn by doing, not by reading about something. Sometime back I discovered two sites on the internet, Medium, and Quora. They are sites where many things are discussed and I thought, great here are two sites that seem to be what I need to start that ALL-IMPORTANT BEGINING CONVERSATION of seeing how life on any planet works in a new way. Both sites had an awful lot of drivel and ignorance on them both, but they also were about asking questions. Seemingly willing to at least look at other options, alas when it comes to Global Warming and Climate Change, it is all about mankind being simply a virus on the planet. If we do not completely change how we have treated the planet, we must go the way of the dodo bird and let the planet fix herself! Both sites will not allow my posts to be seen, nor will either site's moderators engage me, or better yet tell me why in their eyes I am WRONG.
My wife gets upset when she sees me at the computer for hours at end, with so little response from anyone. Telling me it is a waste of time, for I myself have told her that sooner or later others will begin to understand what I am saying even if it is years from now, mankind is many things, but there are many brilliant people on the planet! So if so many people say that I must be wrong in saying that mankind is the planet's last chance why does no one explain to me why I must be wrong? You simply must be wrong, or have I not seen how bad mankind is, there is no way that we are needed to save a dying planet that has survived for so many billions of years without mankind on it. It can not be a coincidence that the planet is just now having all of these extreme weather events now, we must be the only cause.
If I am wrong, please tell me how, I have too many other things I can be doing to waste my time on a mistaken understanding of life! Will I be embarrassed, completely, there are many people who have survived being embarrassed. Thankfully, I do not see many people on a daily basis because I do so many things by myself, my wife and my two intelligent daughters would be the hardest for me, everyone wants their loved ones to respect them, and on that score, I am no different. But it would be many times better to find out now that I have missed something essential, than 10 years from now! If someone could prove that what our atmosphere is now and the atmosphere of the planet 3.5 billion years ago was could be explained without carbon sequestration being necessary for that explanation, perhaps proving that no, carbon dioxide was always being released from the planet's crust even 3.5 billion years ago, so that a constant supply was allowing carbon-based life to exist, it simply was locked away in some other form when the planet first came into being. And no that form can not be limestone, for that can only come into being by the death of carbon-based life and pressure. Neither can the proof come because of "Occam's Razor" the monk from the 13th century who says that the simplest solution is the correct solution. All that did in those times gave the church the right to kill people for being witches instead of women who were strong people with new ideas!
Time and energy are what is needed to understand how life on this planet has needed to adapt to every slowly changing gas concentration and density in the planet's atmosphere. What is your opinion is the difference between evolution and adaption? Dan 402-890-7946, daniel.kadavy212@gmail thank you, Dan
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