466 There are now around 1,000,000 words from me, on what the planet is facing, and the only way to repair it, mankind must be viable to do it.
I am not trying to start a new religion, or put down one set of people in favor of another, or even try and justify the terrible things that mankind has done both to mankind and the planet! Personally, I believe that most people on the planet are good and willing to help each other. Mass shootings seem to completely break down the fight or flight response, giving the shooter ample time to kill many! Very seldom do you hear of people swarming the shooter, with anything and everybody at hand, your chances of survival go greatly up when this happens, both by confusing the shooter and getting help to those injured much quicker. Even the police outside, for some reason, are hesitant to confront the shooter, so hoping to be rescued while hiding from someone with a gun is not a good option. Nor is arming people with guns a viable option, unless they are to be required to go through a gun handling class. Even then 1 against 1 is a crap shoot, 20 against 1 is not so much. Being taught to help each other always improves your odds of success in all facets of your life.
What I am doing, is explaining, in ways that just about everyone can understand, the following ideas. That perpetual motion is impossible even on a planetary scale, something always starts to become in short supply, that life needs. The fact that abundant carbon-based life on the planet has existed for around 3.5 BILLION years speaks volumes about just how much carbon dioxide was available on the planet at that time! Plus, how active the plate tectonics of the planet was, to be able to return enough long-term carbon storage back into the atmosphere so that life could continue until evolution or adaptation, could create a species that could learn and maintain the planet's atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, and very importantly rebuild the planet's partially lost temperature-regulation-abilities.
Earth lost quite a bit of its temperature-regulating-abilities when it had to create so many arid and semi-arid areas around the planet so that enough C-3 plant life could exist to extend that life elsewhere. Neither C-4 plant life nor CAM plant life produces enough plant respiration to produce enough cloud cover to help with the planet's temperature-regulating-abilities! They simply adapted to ever lowing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which does produce ground cover which reduces sunlight conversion into infrared light keeping greenhouse gasses from heating up the atmosphere from that source.
The planet's ability to maintain worldwide temperatures within certain limits has been the reason why for the last 2.5 million years ice-ages have come and gone. Now Mankind needs to start the next level of understanding, of how we need to interact with the most beautiful and only place mankind can call home, Earth!
Life Cycle of a Planet by Daniel James Kadavy can be found on Google or at https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Telling others is your personal duty in helping to start the most important conversation that we can ever have, for all carbon-based life is at stake, and we are a carbon-based form of life! Dan
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