Global Warming, Glaciation, Carbon Dioxide. Dan Kadavy. Who am I?
Global Warming, Glaciation, Carbon Dioxide and how I came to understand the causes! Hi, my name is Daniel Kadavy, I am 62 years old, and started building houses in 1978. I have built almost every type of house that can be built Adobe, geodesic, stick frame, CBS - concrete block and steel, and next year hope to build a Hobbit type home for one of my daughters. I also take down old buildings and recycle the wood and anything else that can be recycled. In this short paper about the "Life cycle of a Planet", I have been working on why the earth entered the phase it is in for the last 2.5 million years. Since the 4th grade when I studied glaciers with my teacher Mrs. Bone at Davey Nebraska. When I asked her about what caused them, she replied that she didn't know! Then I was taught about how the Earth was formed, and how life was believed to have started. Then in 1975 I entered UNL at Lincoln Nebraska and found out that there were a lot of studies going on at the greenhouses about how different levels of CO2, sunlight, major and minor fertilizers, and other types of requirements of plant life. could improve yields of crops, or restrict them. Then ice corings were started all over the planet. Many things started to show up about different levels of CO2 that had been in the atmosphere during the past age's that there has been ice on the planet. But with this type of data, you could never know those years that there was more melting than not because the proof flowed away, or the winds could have cleaned off the ice in the area that was later used for the research. So some give and take has to be used whenever data from any source is the sole base for research, but not to use the data or even to not to do the research because some part of the data or percent of the data will be either incomplete or not understood correctly, that would be much worse. When I started going over the time frame of the last 2.5 million years of the planet and how levels of CO2 and periods of when there were glaciers covering most of the northern part's of it, the fact that low levels of CO2 and Lot's of ice then higher levels and less ice. Even the fact that orbital changes that many believe were the main cause of glaciers, showed that only 20 parts per million of CO2 was able to be explained by this. Meaning if the planet was getting more energy then glaciers were held at bay until CO2 levels hit around 180 parts per million. But when getting less wattage from the sun then glaciers started around 200 parts per million for CO2 in the atmosphere. At this point it was easy to see that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and the formation of glaciers on the planet were directly tied together, the problem I was having was finding out where the necessary increase of the greenhouses gases was coming from, that would allow the temperature of the planet, to increase enough to halt and reverse the glaciation cycle and why it took so many years to do it, anywhere from 40,000 to 100,000 years. I thought maybe the animal life and the methane that they produced may have been it. But the increase in that type of life would have been, fairly quick and if that was the cause then it could not have taken that many years with methane time life in the atmosphere would seem to either make a difference in a fairly short time frame or would only be a side effect, and not the main cause. In the long run, this was a good thing, for it would have been the cause of faster up and down on long-term glaciation, and would not have brought out enough CO2 into the atmosphere. So if not the increase of methane then what, maybe the pressure of the 2 mile-high mountains of ice would have caused more pressure on the volcanoes' active areas of the planet and this increased volcanic activity would have released more CO2 into the atmosphere. This could still be a large part of the solution, but the ice coring that has been going on around the planet would seem to be saying that CO2 levels rose slowly and not in large leaps as volcanic activity would have seemed to imply. However, if volcanic activity was a large part of the reason for increased CO2 in the atmosphere there may be little or no records in the ice coring, for the very reason that a warmer few years could have caused several years of no new ice to leave a trace of the increased CO2 in the atmosphere until temperatures were stabilized again and the increased in CO2 would have been small enough to seem normal. So what does this mean, the only thing that has been slowly but continuing happening is the lowing of a rich in carbon dioxide Oceans of water as low as 300 feet around the whole world covering over 2/3 of the area of the world. and in so doing allowing vast amounts of CO2 to be released back into the atmosphere. But we must remember the length of time that we are talking about, somewhere between 40,000 years and 100,000 years, and this whole time the planet is still sequestering around 10 gigatonnes every year. Meaning there must have been between 400,000 and 1,000,000 gigatonnes of carbon sequestered during this same time frame. Something to ponder about? Thank you Dan Kadavy 402-890-7946 Please feel free to call me or read my paper Life cycle of a planet dan kadavy One thing of note was the amount of tree life that would have been killed and later covered over by the glaciers as they progress south from the Arctic and mountain top where they started at. Then when the glaciers receded many many years later when there was now enough CO2 in the atmosphere to halt that cycle and millions upon millions of decomposing trees slowly releasing their stores of carbon back into the atmosphere, which would allow 10,000 to 12,000 years of inter glaciation, before the rate of sequestration of carbon starts the cycle of glaciers growing again. I live in Nebraska, by the town of Cortland, I can be reached by phone at 402-890-7946, or for those who do not like to talk on the phone, I can also be reached by E-mail at this was written over two years ago and during that time frame, I have added another 442 posts that goes into greater depth of the only way for mankind to repair the planet is by undoing losses created by the planet in attempting to maintain life! That would be in replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet using all of the freshwater in the rivers to restart the lost temperature-regulating abilities that now allow greater extremes of temperatures which is cause and effect of extreme weather! Thank, you for reading, but that alone will not repair the planet, everyone who reads my blogs must understand that only together, can mankind repair the planet and that will take millions of our voices to start looking at the true nature of our planet's problem which only mankind can solve and only in this one way!
Ok, how do you explain the increasing extremes of climate that is happening?
ReplyDeleteThe very fact that the planet has lost much of it's temperature regulating ability due to the lost of much of it's cloud cover, due to the lost of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that caused the lost of plant cover over a 1/4 of the world land mass (meaning by the creation of arid and semi-arid areas that now cover around 1/4 of the planet's land mass). That leads to a much less amount, of plant respiration around the planet, reducing cloud formation, increasing sunlight hitting unprotected soils thereby heating up the surrounding surface temperatures, causing temperature extremes, which when two different masses of air meet, one hot and moist, the other cold and dry, this is when extreme weather can occur. From hurricanes or typhoons, development of tornadoes, massive amounts of rain and damaging winds. All caused by too much temperature differential in the surrounding atmosphere. And all caused by the lost of carbon dioixide in the atmosphere going all the way back to the start of carbon sequestration once a carbon based lifeform started up on this planet billions of years ago! Taking only the tiniest amount of carbon out of the planets lifecycle each and every year for the last 3-4 billion years! Dan