The complete cause and solution to Global Warming! Written by Daniel James Kadavy


This short paper, on Global warming, climate change, and mankind's responsibility to the planet, is meant to get people involved in the very real need for mankind to both understand the nature of life on this planet, and the responsibility that mankind has had put upon itself as the only real answer that the planet has for the continuation of life on this planet. As children, we are taught that the planet is the perfect recycler of life. The evidence is life itself, it is still here after billions of years. Yet there is so much evidence that the carbon necessary for life, has been converted to other things that are not easily adaptable to that life. So let's sit back and read what is really going on with the only place that mankind can call home. The first billion years of this planet's existence were not nice and yet we know very little of what it was like back then. There was no Oxygen, nothing that would give anyone any idea of the possibilities that the planet had in store for us, a long, long, long time, into the future. But it did have a future, and that is where we start!                    

    Let’s start 1,000,000,000 (one billion) years after the planet has started to cool down. There is now just a hint of life on this hot barren planet,( or maybe a cold barren planet) a few bunches of cells have come together using the only resources available, there is lots of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but little or no oxygen, and quite a bit of methane. All we can go on is the fact that in time different life forms on this planet have come around to filling almost every niche that life can work around, and each life form is always dependent on other life forms for either energy or to be fed on. The Sun, water, and some type of gas that can easily be used to form something else are the mainstay of all life.                                                                            
    So life begins with carbon base building blocks. Carbon has a lot of good things going for it, it is very abundant which is extremely important for longevity, and it is very stable in many forms, and easily binds itself to many other atoms. But this planet, like all new planets, is in itself unstable, the forces that brought it into being, are all at odds with a stable environment, earthquakes, erupting volcanoes, constant bombardment from space, and radiation from the young sun, all lead to a fragile, constantly changing environment. In many ways, this forced life, to adapt and overcome, and become many different types of life itself. And yet all were based on carbon.

Jumping ahead another billion years, the planet has started to settle down somewhat, and space around the planet has become clear of most large objects, that had been hitting it. The planet itself has cooled down. And life in many forms has started in the oceans, most protected by the new Sun’s rays and needs supplied by the movements of the waters of the planet. The planet is still very young, and constant changes in the types of life that can exist, are being affected by many slowly changing conditions. But the one constant is the availability of carbon in the form of Carbon Dioxide. And yet there is less carbon now, than there was, a billion years ago because of life itself. Again we jump ahead, another billion years, huge changes have occurred, and plant life has released large amounts of Oxygen that allows life to change and advance. Along with oxygen, (O2) comes ozone, (O3) which protects life, from the radiation that the distance sun has been bombarding the planet with. A changing atmosphere of earth, from a carbon-based life, with no real need for oxygen, to an atmosphere where enough Carbon Dioxide, (CO2) was changed by plant life to, Carbon, (C) and Oxygen, (O2) that a very great amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere would have been removed by this very process, meaning that the amount available for plant growth and respiration would have drastically changed. This change of a very important greenhouse gas along with a much weaker sun than we now enjoy would have been responsible for the earliest glaciation periods. 
    A changing atmosphere now offers protection from the sun’s rays and life, out of the oceans begins with vigor. We see the first life, that can move where it wants to under its own needs. Perhaps for the first time, we would start to recognize this planet, as not a foreign and forbidding place. Still, carbon is the driving need here, and yet there is less than there was, locked away beneath the crust, available only when it comes in contact with the still restless earth.                                          
    We now come to the next 1,500,000 000 years, (one billion five hundred million years) life has gone wild, nowhere on the planet, can you go and not find life, in a million forms! All dependent on carbon, but we start to have a small problem. For the last 4,500,000,000 years, (four billion five hundred million years) Carbon, in the form of Carbon Dioxide has been transformed into, millions of different lifeforms. When some of these lifeforms died, they were not left to be eaten by bacteria, so that the trapped carbon could be returned to the atmosphere as Carbon Dioxide, but instead, the Carbon was locked away. The vast majority was converted into some type of rock.
    Limestone was and is the largest storage of Carbon on the planet, any type of sea life that has some type of shell or exoskeleton, when it dies it deposits that material down to the seafloor. There is little or no recovery of the Carbon that was once part of the cycle of life, it becomes locked away. Instead, when enough material is massed together gravity takes over and compresses this material into limestone. In the same way, peat and coal are made from masses of plant life when there was still enough Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere to allow runaway plant life to create seams of coal hundreds of feet thick. Remember, large dinosaurs could only have gotten that size by having a plant source large enough and quick growing enough, to support such a life form. While mankind in some form has been around one to two million years, dinosaurs had ruled the planet, from around 250,000,000 years ago to around 65,000,000 years ago, meaning that they were here for one hundred eighty-five million years, with enough food to grow to such awe-inspiring sizes! By the way, while it would have taken a country the size of Cuba to supply the food for the herds of dinosaurs in the movie “Jurassic Park”, it was still a very good movie! So we see the changes in levels of Carbon Dioxide dropping and the levels of Oxygen rising, both are needed for the new changes life is now taking. So far we are only talking about simple straightforward themes. When A happens it causes B which causes C to occur. But life on the planet is anything but simple. A butterfly flapping its wings in South America is not ever going to cause a hurricane in Florida, but changing the Carbon Dioxide levels by factors of 100, will cause great changes, to all types of life on the planet.     Some things we can factor into life on the planet, such as necessary amounts of gases in the atmosphere that allow life as we know it to continue. Along with the strength of the sun, which is growing in intensity at a steady rate of 1% per 100,000,000 years meaning that it is 30 to 40% stronger than when life first started on the planet. That can help us decide how much greenhouse gases were around to maintain the necessary type of life in the planet's history. But some events can only be studied by time and distance. Volcanoes have been around since the beginning of the planet, but are unpredictable both in time and strength, as have meteors, as time has reduced the number of meteors left that can come into the planet's path, and then the slow cooling of the planet has slowed the amounts of volcanoes events. Both of these caused many of the changes that the planet has seen in short period events, and many of these records can be found in the planet's crust. Ocean currents have been changing throughout history, because of Continental drift, temperatures of the seas, ocean salinity, the amount of freshwater entering the oceans, etc. But how would we find out about such past events, such as diseases that may have killed whole species, sun flares, strong enough to kill all surface life that happened to be facing the sun at the wrong time but leave the rest of the planet unaffected? Or how about supervolcanoes that primarily released heavier than air gases that suffocate all animal life for 100,000 square miles, and really leave little or no trace behind. Or something else that we have not even thought about. How would these possibilities, change how life would have advanced or been affected? Mass extinctions usually leave some record in the fossil beds, but only if we are looking at the right spot or even know what to look for!  If we could find out how the atmosphere has been changing over time we could understand so much more! Right now we use ice coring that goes back only a tiny fraction of the history of the planet. Sediment coring promises to go back more, but how reliable is it at this point for even the slow movement of the plates of the earth, completely dropping or raising the seafloor. Coring of limestone that could go all the way back to the beginning of sea life but not terrestrial life.     It is estimated that there are between 65,000,000,000 Gigatonnes ( one Gigatonnes is equal to one Billion tons and we will use the term GtC from now on to stand for Gigatonnes of Carbon) and 100,000,000,000 GtC locked away in limestone, and other sedimentary rocks this represents between .99931 and .99954%  of all Carbon that was ever available on the planet. The remaining .00046 to .00069% is thought to be 39,000 GtC in the oceans, 4,000 GtC in fossil fuels, 1,500 GtC in the soils of the planet, and 800 GtC in the atmosphere, and 560 GtC in living plants and animal life. These figures are the best estimates available.   So the planet is now running low on its most important life requirement, Carbon in the form of Carbon Dioxide. There is a sun that is 30-40% brighter than it was 4 billion years ago and the planet has plenty of water and Oxygen but not enough Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere to maintain the global temperature, along with a slightly lower wattage from the sun, due to orbital changes, the planet enters a colder phase that is the next 2,000,000 to 2,500,000 years long. This period causes glaciation on the planet that is cyclical in nature. As the ice is built upon the planet, it lowers the level of the oceans, thereby releasing the necessary trapped Carbon Dioxide back into the atmosphere, this is in conjunction with orbital changes that allow the planet to warm up enough, to have the glaciers recede but not completely, Carbon Dioxide levels are not high enough. But a new normal is now set in place.                                                           The planet is now set on a course that is doomed to sooner, then later run out of a fundamental need of Carbon in the form of Carbon Dioxide. Every year, for the past 4,500,000,000 years a small percent of Carbon is locked away from use, year in and year out. Now if there was no way of freeing the Carbon trapped in the planet’s crust other than volcanoes which due to a cooling planet are not active enough to ensure a steady amount of Carbon Dioxide release, then the planet will slowly run out of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere.                                                
    Evolution is an important part of a changing planet's life cycle, plants are great at adapting to changes in their environment, examples are c3, c4, and cam plants, most plants such as c3 plants, grow by using one area to both bring in Carbon Dioxide, and convert it to growth with the addition of energy from the sun, in just one part of the plant, which means that it will need more water when Carbon Dioxide levels are low, because the stomata of the plant, which could be thought of as our lungs, need to open wider as the Carbon Dioxide levels drop. This allows water vapor to escape more readily.  C4 plants can conserve water when Carbon Dioxide levels are low by having 2 different areas of the plant for growth, one for the collection of Carbon Dioxide, and a different cell for the solar energy to bind with.                                                                      
    Then we have the cam plants, they go to the next level of evolution, by only bringing in Carbon Dioxide during the night time, and the sun’s energy during the day, so water loss is kept to a minimum, and the plant's stomata can open wide to let in more Carbon Dioxide, without losing water to the respiration process. Looking at the time frame that the planet has left, it would seem unlikely that there would be enough time for evolution, to make another such improvement, without help!                                        
    The best estimate of how much Carbon is removed from the environment every year (prior to mankind's entry into using agricultural methods to supply enough food for a growing population) is 10 GtC, Interesting if you take the estimate of 65,000,000,000 GtC of Carbon on the planet and divide by 4,500,000,000 years you get 14.4444 gigatonnes of carbon being sequestered, on average each year. The high side estimates 100,000,000,000 gigatonnes of total Carbon on the planet /4,500,000,000 years you get 22.2222 gigatonnes of Carbon being sequestered, on average each year!  So let’s add up how much Carbon is still available there are around39,000 gigatonnes In the ocean's, 4,000 gigatonnes as fossil fuel, 800 gigatonnes in the atmosphere, 560 gigatonnes used as plant life, and 1,500 gigatonnes as soil Carbon. This adds up to 45,860 gigatonnes Let’s say 3 gigatonnes of rock or like material is returned as Carbon Dioxide from volcanic activity on average per year. This means that instead of the earth sequestering, 10 gigatonnes per year it only loses 7 gigatonnes per year. So 45,860 divided by 7 equals that the world would run out of available Carbon in around 6,551 years. (Of course in real years many people feel that plant life needs around 150 parts per million to survive). This is not even a blink of an eye in geological time! Does this mean that global warming is not happening, or is not important? NO, IT DOES NOT! What it means is that the onset of the ice age starting around 2 to 2.5 million years ago was caused by not having enough greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to keep the temperature high enough to keep glaciation at bay. We would be back into another glacier cycle if, mankind had not stepped in and basically burned down the forest of Europe during the little ice age of the middle ages. And since then, using fossil fuels, to add to the low Carbon Dioxide levels, enough to stop the new normal that low Carbon Dioxide levels started 2 to 2.5 million years ago. What this all means is that we have to take charge of our planet, or any life as man knows, is not going to be here in less than 10,000 years! (A lot less than ten thousand years).                                                      
    The solution, that solves both global warming and the planet, running out of available Carbon, starts with moving fresh, MOVING WATER! Why is moving water so important? Because it does three major things, it stops vast amounts of fresh water from entering the oceans, and therefore prevents, raising sea levels. Plus it increases the landmasses that can now sustain, more plant life and uses Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere, to grow this new, plant life, which will lower Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere! Plus, it provides work and food for a growing population.
    25% of the world's landmass is desert, or semi-arid. Most of this was caused by low Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere. There simply was not enough Carbon Dioxide available for all land masses to have plant life in abundance. And without plant respiration giving off water into the atmosphere. A drought cycle is born. And yes mountains and other causes, are of importance, but the edges of life always are the first to experience losses. Of course, increasing such large amounts of plant life would, by its very nature, decrease Carbon Dioxide levels, in the atmosphere, but would also, cause more Carbon to be lost to erosion, and then a small part of that carbon would be sequestered, under soils or sands deep in the oceans, if we do not collect all of the rain runoff from the newly replanted desert's.                                          

One of the most important things to understand is that without a life form on the planet, that can respond to the needs of a dying world, then life would cease to be as we know it, in a relatively short period of time.                              
    Perhaps the planet Mars, if it was larger than it is, could have kept an atmosphere for the length of time necessary for some type of intelligent life to develop there. It would be fun to wonder what changes, having two planets with intelligent life on it would do.     It seems like the planet got very lucky in having a life form that can change its environment just in time. Perhaps the very fact that it took, this planet, over 4.5 billion years to reach such a level, will decrease the chances of the number of planets in the universe that can also sustain life. It would seem that having some life form finally able to make such a difference in what would be the “last second”, in terms of geological time very hard to believe. I do believe that quite a few people will either see this as proof of a god (putting a life form on the planet just in time that if they could learn to live together and learn the needs of all others so that they could make a true difference and make a heaven on earth). Or proof that the chances that this just happened are worse than winning the Power Ball lottery 10 times in a row!                          
     All I know is that we are here, at this very important time, and the fact that we can make a difference, does not mean that we will make such a choice, in the near future. There are so many people that have given their whole being, to being on one side, or the other, of the global warming/climate change issue, that to try to see another possible idea, it is, like trying to start another political party. And even if they do see the logic and science behind this, there are political, financial, and time frame considerations. (later we have a century to get it right) No, we do not, water levels are going to rise, and temperatures will become more unstable, some for the good, some not.          
    Let’s talk about, moving lots of water! In some places in the world, this is really easy to do. The Nile put a lock where it enters the Mediterranean sea, and put all of its waters slowly into the Sahara desert. ( The Sahara has grown, as little as 200 years ago rivers flowed there and many people lived there and called it home, but overgrazing and overuse of farms have allowed the area to be overtaken by desert, and this has affected the climate of Europe as heat waves have been increasing,) As the area becomes wet enough, start with fish farms, and crops, no livestock, they are too hard to keep from overgrazing lands. And fish gives the most protein per pound of feed. Do not allow large corporations to do any of this, use the United States homestead act as a model. (We have to remember to learn from history, that just as much of the Sahara desert was caused by man, the dust bowl in the 1920s and 1930s in middle America was also caused by man. Meaning that anyone willing to go to these new farming areas would need to be taught how to farm them.) It will give people, who are willing to try for a better life by working for it, a reason to go there. This would be not only for the fish farmers and crop farmers but also for extending the water farther out into the desert. The worker who extends the river into new areas would be paid by how much material would be moved or would be paid by, getting the land, they got the water too. Doing this type of land, for a work contract, would insure, many people a better life, would stop some of the animosity, caused by mass movements of refugees, and because the lands that would now be used for maintaining ocean levels and reducing Carbon Dioxide levels, would also be providing a new home, and not displacing a large number of people who would have called, these desert areas home. By using the waters of rivers and streams from entering the oceans and seas, we would be helping in not only maintain the correct Carbon Dioxide levels and Oceans levels but would be solving one of mankind's most pressing problems of the millions of people needing a safe place to live and the ability to create their own destiny. This would not be unlike the people who first traveled from Europe to "the Americas". But these people would not be taking over lands that were already settled by others but would be creating new land livable only by bringing waters to them! (there are people living in the Sahara desert and some consideration would have to be worked out with that small but important people) but In time, many areas of the planet, that were once considered on the margin, would become a haven, for the oppressed and other people looking for either a better life or more opportunity in this life, from many different lands, and both political and religious ideas. So some thought would have to be put into, how to help set up, both the infrastructure, of the society, and the balance that would be necessary for the government, (yes there would be a need for government to exist in these areas to facilitate, roads, water treatment, order, and help with maintaining price controls on all produce and products that each area makes) to allow for the many different needs, of these culturally mixed groups.
    Ideally, no one faith, ethic, political, or ideologically centered group of people, would be in the majority, of any state, county, town, or farming area. This would help in keeping people, from imposing their, beliefs on others that do not share those same beliefs.                                                        

    Back to, the movement of water, one of the most important ways that water should be kept from going into the oceans is in glacier replenishment. Because most places that maintain ice and snow year-round, are actually places that are limited by temperature, and altitude, with snowfall, that is one of the reasons, that small changes in temperature, allow them to be, in geological time, quick to respond, to melting. So this is fairly easy to repair by replacing more snow every year by artificial means, (we do understand, how to make snow). This does require us to collect the water that comes off of the glacier, in dams, which will be returned every winter. Of course, this means that we will need to understand, how much to leave, in the form of river flow, for downstream use. And how much needs to be replaced, each winter, for future uses.           
    There are some places in the world that have less need for water retention, than others. They either have few semi-arid places or deserts, or water can be brought in from other nearby sources, meaning that more of the water entering the oceans, from such rivers would be allowed. This being said, with 25% of the world being in need of greater water amounts, than natural, rainfall allows, most of the rivers of the planet should be gathered not just at the end of the river, but all along its length. By doing this, flooding would be greatly reduced, When collecting water from rivers, great care must be used in not damming the river but, pumping the water out of the river, so a more natural flow is maintained within a more managed river. This would include more areas for wildlife to prosper. These slower moving areas allow more water to enter the underground reservoirs. Meaning more water for later use. By pumping water out of the lakes, and rivers, the timing would be important, to maintain the correct river flow, and prevent flooding.                                 How is the moving of water paid for, lots of people will feel that they will be stuck with the bill of moving all of this water, but in truth, any cost will be a lot lower than the cost of not doing anything? both by increasing saving on massive flooding damage by reducing flood insurance costs, the cost of living, and property replacement. The larger, labor forces needed to work the water movement, and farm the new lands, and people needed to operate the fish and seafood farms. Even recreation opportunities will require a larger workforce. And all of this new labor will be either paying taxes or being less dependent on the government for their living.                                                                  
    I like to think that 40 years ago, most people believed that while computers were novel, their uses would be limited to gaming, and accounting, and for scientists to use. Almost no one could have seen the absolute need for them in most jobs around the world, in just a little over one generation. ( I know that I did not ) Moving water, if we get serious about it, will be of the same importance, for both job creation and maintaining the planet. Simply not having to move 1 billion people farther inland, would cover any anticipated cost, or the need for making higher shorelines, as Holland has done.                             It is not really talked about, but the Antarctic ice field is not getting smaller, while many other glaciated areas are losing ice. The vast amount of ice in the antarctic makes up, around  88 % of all ice on the planet. And again this area is considered to be semi-arid, so just a little extra, (of course when I say just a little extra ice each year I am talking about many millions of tons added each year ) ice or snow added each year by man, would again increase the total amount of ice, being staged, on the planet.                                                
    I would like to point out that, what mankind thinks as normal conditions for the planet, is in reality not the real normal condition at all. For the vast time that the planet has existed 4.5 billion years, it was uninhabitable by anything other than plant life, and less developed forms of life. Only in the last 1 billion years, has the planet's life taken off. And only in the last 1 to 2 million years, has the (new normal) been around, Again just a blink of an eye in geological time. One must remember, this is around the time some ancestors of ours, finally started the slow evolutionary process of the next step! This being said, many people believe that the only time frame that matters on the planet is that, that includes mankind. So any sudden change in the status quo, as in raising Carbon Dioxide levels, must be a direct cause of mankind being a parasitic growth, on the planet. When in reality, we have done and can do, much more for saving this planet, even if, what we have done to date has not been done on purpose, but in an attempt to simply survive, as all life on this planet has done, and will continue to do. Where do we go from here? Do we just live to make money, reproduce, pay taxes, and pass on, so the next generation, will either follow in the same footsteps, as past generations have done? Or do we start to realize that letting other people be in charge, so we can go around our daily lives with the minimum impact that affects how we choose to live, this is the path of least resistance, and the path of 60 second sound bites, I think that we have come to the point that we allow others to decide, perhaps we think ourselves, not smart enough, or interested enough, to push forward? Surely we think that other people will understand better than we do and will do the right thing. And yet the very people that are in charge, are not really interested in much other than staying in charge and making as much money as possible. There are many exceptions to this, but perhaps not enough to overrule the money, outlook. We must look back at history, are there more middle class and poor than ever before? That answer depends on how far back in time you go. In the middle ages in Europe, the feudal system made everyone under someone else's direction, the middle class is in some ways a very new invention, where education, suddenly came and made profound changes in one position, and lifestyle. But in this new normal of life, the separation of classes has never been greater, as has the views that different people hold, never been greater, The different views that people hold are a byproduct of our, newsgathering, the belief that the more information that can be supplied in the shortest amount of time, leading to a uniformed population, that thinks that no matter how complex an issue is, it can be broken down into 60 second sound bites. Remember the old adage, who, what, when, where, and why, all in the first paragraph. If all-important questions can be answered in the first few sentences, why read more, it will be just a rehash of the first paragraph. This leads people to conclude that they understand the issue, and therefore can make an informed decision, when any decision they make is really based on past beliefs, and not enough new understanding, to give a  possible new idea a chance. (This idea of only reading the first paragraph of a news article is how many speed reading classes teach people how to speed read.)
    Scientists, then go in the next direction by including so many letter abbreviations, that you simply, lose your train of thought, trying to remember what those letters stand for, so unless you are educated in the field, you end up tuning out and believe others can take up the correct course of actions. This has led to many problems down the road, because not enough research was carried out. Roundup herbicide is a good example.  Farmers through that a single application of one product, that would control all of their weed problems were great, and the extra cost of the genetically modified seeds, that would not be affected by the herbicide, was well worth the saving in time and labor. This was great for 20 years, or so, until plants started to modify themselves so that Roundup, no longer killed them. This new-found resistance, to the (all-important herbicide,) made the need for other herbicides to be added along with Roundup now, and yet the modified crop strains are now so, prevalent in the system, that other non-modified strains are no longer available for use, and yet the farmers are still responsible, for all of the added costs and yet the benefits are no longer enough, to outweigh the added costs. There are many other examples of putting profits before anything else, (this is especially common in the health care industry).                                  
    Most people that grew up in the 1950s were taught that they may not survive because of man’s love of war and the new atomic weapons, which both the USA and the USSR had, in large enough quantity, to destroy the world many times over. Somehow, the planet has survived, and mankind is not as bad as many people would have you believe.  The main problem comes when one set of people believe the only way to live is, their way, which includes both politically and religiously, Or the love of power and money for individual dictators.                                        
    Then in the following decades' population and pollution, became the next big threats. Mankind has done a lot in both areas, and while more needs to be done, throughout the whole planet, we have made both understanding, and progress forward, as most people are willing to do. During the latest decades, growing energy needs and global warming are at the forefront and seen at odds with each other. But in all of the heated debates on, both sides of these issues, we have not looked at why the planet has been going through such a change in its environment, not over the years mankind has been present, but over a much greater period. And this must lead us in a somewhat new direction. Yes, mankind is changing the makeup of the atmosphere, mainly but not only, by the burning of fossil fuels, but the knowledge that we have gained about the planet we live on, has to be understood, as much as we can, but we choose to look too closely at details that are not representative, of the greater whole. Again it is important to come to the conclusion that without the mankind that we are, we would be in the next and really last ice age, for the length of each ice age is many times greater than the time the earth as we know it, has left!
Without mankind's interference, the planet would have simply, keep sequestering Carbon, at a rate that will be no longer sustainable for the needs of a planet, that uses Carbon, in the form of Carbon Dioxide as the building block of every known life form. Will the planet, become unlivable, in a very short time frame? It depends on what you call a short time frame. If mankind suddenly died out, move away, or simply no longer added any more Carbon Dioxide or any other form of Carbon to the atmosphere then the planet would still be sequestering around 10 GtC every year, dropping the Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere, by 2 - 4 parts per million, per year, let’s take the lower number of 2 ppm, in 100 years, the level of Carbon Dioxide will be around 200 ppm, depending on where the planet is in terms of its orbital status, compared to the sun, this is the level where glaciation starts up again. But this time, with Carbon still being sequestered the level of 39,000 GtC in the ocean would have dropped to 38,000 GtC and it takes about 40,000 to 100,000 years to lower the oceans enough to release the necessary Carbon Dioxide to raise the levels high enough to get the planet out of that ice age, but if the sequestered rate is still anything near 10 GtC a year, the planet will have run out of available Carbon Dioxide or Carbon thousands of years, before water levels in the oceans would have dropped enough to release enough Carbon Dioxide to start the warming cycle again.
Understand now that (carbon is still there), it is simply locked away in rocks, such as limestone, and a very small percentage is in the form of fossil fuels but, quite a bit is simply buried under the seafloor, where it will stay for millions of years until the movement of the great plates of the planet, takes it either deeper down or raises it up as the plates collide. But only if the material comes into a region of volcanic activity, does it come back into the atmosphere as Carbon Dioxide. Unfortunately, the earth continues to cool down and as it does, volcanic activity slows down. If this was not the case, then the planet would not be in a glacial age at all.                                                 
There were glacial periods, prior to the one, the planet is in now, and yet the carbon dioxide levels were much higher, but there is more than the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that causes periods of ice to be on the planet, the most important one is the strength of the sun, and every 100,000,000 years the sun increases in its energy output by about 1 percent, every billion years it increases by 10 %, therefore, with a weaker sun there must be a lot more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, to offset the less energy being delivered.                                                          
    The other thing to remember is the volcanic activity was also much higher, all of these past events in the planet's history are good guides to what is happening now. But even if some of the records of past events were not available, by knowing the amount of available Carbon on the planet, in all of its forms, we can come to the right conclusions.                                                                                                            
    There are other options, that can also work for lowering Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, and they have been talked about in many other venues, but no option except moving water can meet all of the needs of the planet.                                                      
    So we now know how to win the global warming problem. But this does not solve the running out of Carbon problem! Let’s say we keep using, all of the fossil fuels as slowly, as we can, and this is used to replace the 10 GtC that is removed each year, this still only extends the Carbon Dioxide level for a few centuries. That means, that we must use limestone and other Carbon deposits, to keep the planet, Carbon cycle going. Many people will find that the planet will soon need, a thinking and acting species, (meaning human interference) to keep the planet having the ability to support, so many fascinating life forms. And this may make many people very angry. (These are the people that feel that mankind is a parasitic growth on the planet.) Just remember, this is not a get out of jail type of knowledge, what it means is that mankind has had a great responsibility put upon it. We now know that we do affect, life on this planet, both, for good and bad, And that mankind as a whole is very necessary for the continuation of life on this planet, For no other known response except direct intervention and reintroduction of some form of Carbon will keep the planet able to maintain life in all of its forms.     A large amount of Carbon sequestration is caused by soil erosion, from the land and then into the oceans, seas, and lakes. When rains fall on land, plant life and Carbon-containing soils, are rushed down streams and into rivers, where the organic Carbon is used as food, and also buried deep in the sediment. Some but not all, of the Carbon-containing material, is buried deep enough so the Carbon is lost to nature's recycling ability. The two largest river systems, for Carbon sequestration, are the Himalayan mountains river basin, and the Amazon river basin. After the sequestration of Carbon, by soil erosion, the ocean itself is a huge area of Carbon sequestration by the death of sea life that uses calcium and Carbon Dioxide, for shells. Since the beginning of life on this planet, limestone created by the death of creatures in the oceans and seas on such vast scales as to be totally unimaginable, has been the cause of much of the Carbon sequestration. Think of all the caves, of the world, of the bedrock of much of the planet, this is limestone, and other rocks made up of dead sea life. Even when a cave system is carved out by rainwater, the material that is eroded away is still not released back into the atmosphere as Carbon Dioxide but more likely runs down streams and dropped down, as calcium carbonate to again be locked away. When we begin to move much greater amounts of water around the planet. These waters will naturally be full of sediments, that will be able to help fertilize the soil that the water is used by.                 There will be other benefits of stopping waters from entering the oceans. One important one, will be, stopping the nutrient-rich but oxygen-depleting waters from creating dead zones of red tides, in many gulfs around the planet. We could also stop these dead zones by installing wind and solar-driven atmosphere pumps, all around these areas where nutrient-rich water comes in at, so the sea life that explodes as a result of the increased nutrients, will not deplete the Oxygen that is stored in limited amounts, in these waters. Think of the air pumps that must be installed in all sea, & fish aquariums, to prevent fish deaths because of waters that are not naturally stirred up by wind and tides, bringing much-needed Oxygen to the sea life beneath. Let’s pause a bit from moving water and talk about, human civilization.                                          
    What makes or breaks prosperity, is "infrastructure", the Chinese, Romans, and Egyptians were the first civilization,( on such a grand scale,) to understand this. Without the ability to get around the scope of lands, each considered their own. Trade and movements of people, for whatever reason, would simply stop the necessary requirements of a prosperous society. Many cities use this understanding to incorporate outlying lands to increase both the tax base and for future growth.                              
    That, includes major infrastructure, such as roads, power, water, communications, bridges, + waste management.  But it also includes, inner-city's, political, and medical, for only when everyone in a community is included, do we really achieve, the total freedom, to do and be the best we can be! Think of all of the possibilities, if we could have access, to the whole of a community ability. Of course, even in the best communities, every one of us, has put limits on ourselves, which in tandem with limits others have placed on us, really means that none of us are the best we have the capability of being. It is said that any society that is run by men or committees will end up as far from perfect as that society will allow. The oxymoron is that most people believe that whatever place that they are born in, or whatever faith, their parents are, is as, close to perfect as can be expected.      BRINGING WATER TO THE WESTERN DESERTS OF AMERICA!
    The best place to start in the United States of America would be to take as much water from the Missouri and Mississippi River basin, as possible and head straight west. Wherever there is a need for more water than there is naturally occurring or a need for flood control that is the starting and receiving points. The Mississippi River, with its silt-laden and nutrient-rich waters, are perfect for irrigating anywhere crops can be grown, there would be some treatment for certain heavy metals and pesticides, if necessary. But by combining the many ways that have been found to inexpensively treat water, the food that can now be grown will repay all costs of moving and treating the waters. Water like oil can be transported, great distances, unlike oil, it can be transported both by pipes and above ground and diverted almost anywhere along its path for treatment and or use.         The question that I don't have an answer for, is how much water can safely be kept from entering the oceans, I believe that almost any amount that mankind can keep from entering the oceans, will have a minimal effort on the makeup of the waters in the short term, but what long term effects may there be I’m not in a position to say. Nutrients that would no longer be available, have a very small response, since modern agriculture has had a major role in changing the types and amounts entering the Gulf of Mexico, and not for the better, again, the cause of red tides, due to, enriched nutrients but depletion of the available oxygen. The larger cause for concern may be the increased salinity of the ocean over many years.
Because of the constant changes that the planet has gone through over the last 4 billion years, almost every variation of life has been seen, since almost anything mankind can do with moving water, the planet itself has seen. This includes seas 1000 miles inland, that keep, billions of tons of fresh water out of the oceans for millions of years. That being said, the planet responds best to slow changes, that life can adapt to, not fast changes, there have been many instances of such change in the fossil record, and none were quick to be resolved. Some were even called mass extinction events. I do believe the next 1000 - 7000 years will see such an event, with the loss of available carbon! We need to come to some type of response that only mankind can do! Baring a supervolcano event! Boy 3 ! in 3 sentences. (Maybe a bit much, but I did say something about a rambling author).                                         What would we do without the Internet? We can check facts as fast as our fingers can type, in my case about 15 words a minute, OK after spelling corrections about 5 words a minute. This is the first time in human history that one person can research millions of hours of knowledge in minutes and days, instead of lifetimes, truly it can be a lifeline for so many. Yes, it can also be many other things, some may have little or no redeeming value, but the knowledge that can be gleaned so readily, is truly astounding. Please remember the planet is truly our only home, whatever your own belief system is, as a single person only so much can be achieved, I do not like to say this but truly, only with many, can we become better.  

    I hope that what I have said here, is truly helpful. Written by Daniel James Kadavy  Finished this date ( perhaps finished is not correct) April 25, 2019

(402) 890-7946 Please feel free to call me.

I have not included references on purpose, this is not to slight anyone that did the studies,  but to force people to do their own investigations, this information that I have given, should not be accepted because I put it up on the Internet ( I have researched, all of the topics that have been talked about here,) but, hopefully, this short paper, will start a larger conversation on the how’s and why’s of the most important issues that the planet has ever faced. Even with the mass extinction events of the past, the planet had time to recover, but unless evolution can start over with something other than Carbon, the planet’s lifetime clock is ticking down. But life does seem to find a way!                                 



  1. This is a lot to take in, so many different aspects are covered. why not bring one view at a time instead of covering so much!

  2. When I wrote this paper, I did not get into every aspect of how to respond to each part of of how to move water or how to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere except in general practice i.e. making a larger area for plant life therefore reducing free CO2 in the air and using it for that life, or what type of dams, canels, piping, for moving water (much of it would need to be pumped uphill). Instead I talked only about the overall solutions of what mankind is facing. By keeping my paper short (12 pages) I felt that more people would be willing to read it. (however I have found that even 12 pages is too much for many people to be willing to read at one setting)

  3. The Sahara Desert, of all the places on the world, play some of the largest role of climate change, by it's very size and placement. It affects tempertures in Europe, hurricane formation in the atlantic ocean, even rains over south america. That is why it needs to be restored to what it once was, only 200 years ago and then to what it was 6000 years ago. Whole books could be written on that subject, and how best to obtain those very important results. Thankfully right now in history, we have some of the largest workforces available due to all of the wars in the middle east, (their very foolish need for telling everyone how to live, have driven some of their best and brightest away in the millions, looking for a better life). This also includes the drug wars in south america, and the millions their just trying to keep the young safe from being force into a life of drugs and working for the drug lords to make a living.


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