Global Warming and Climate Change and production of methane by life

Much has been made of the global warming caused by methane in the atmosphere caused by life itself. Has something changed in the amount of life on this planet that produces methane? probable not because of man's removal of native life such as termites, ants, wildlife around the whole planet is less due to their loss of habitat, so mankind could use that land for himself, there is less production of methane then before man started to influence the balance of gases in the atmosphere. Therefore if nature as a whole is producing less methane then before mankind, has the use of livestock tipped the balance upward from times past? Again probably not, the amount of land taken out of use by grazing animals is so many millions of acres that even the large cattle herds does not come close to measuring up to the grazing animal of past times. So if the production of methane can not equal past productions prior to man's arrival. then we should be able to discount the production of methane that is now occurring as having any impact on global warming more than prior to mankind's arrival. However, methane can be of great use, how you say, by its capture and use as a fuel source Let's say you live in a place that has termite mounds standing up high. How hard would it be to install a clear dome over it, so that you do not disturb the mound but since methane is lighter than air is, it will displace the air in the dome and a small solar-powered pump could be installed to turn on and off to remove the methane into holding tanks that could be used for cooking, heating, or any type of production of power, all for very little investment. The same could be used on any livestock facility that keeps livestock either temporarily as in milking barns, or permanently as in a hog, chicken, or turkey production facility! The important thing to remember that methane has very little smell, and can be violently explosive, so the need for all safety to be maintained! And the added benefit of when methane is burned, it turns into carbon dioxide which is 23 times less of a greenhouse gas then methane is. A win all around, so if someone wants to use this idea of doming, methane producing life, call me, we can work together on it, Dan Kadavy 402-890-7946 Feel free to call me. Cortland, Nebraska. U.S.A.  or my e-mail


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