Global Warming and Climate Change} We have got to get the fix right! Or else we will be hurting ourselves!
Global Warming and Climate Change}What do I mean, hurting ourselves! One way would be to start sequestrating carbon so that it can not be easily retrieved at a later date. For example, one plan would be to inject the carbon in several different forms, deep into old wells or newly dug wells where it will bind with natural salts, and not be able to be brought back up. A much better type of sequestration would be, to plant more forests so that later on we could harvest the mature trees and keep a more natural cycle of carbon alive. or even better would be to plant trees that also produce fruit or nuts, This is a very important difference, then the main street thinking that say's, however you can take co2 out of the atmosphere is good. I have stated that the planet is running very low on available carbon that life can draw upon, and we should not be removing any more carbon from the cycle of life that would require the burning of fossil fuels to replace it when the time comes, that we do not have enough left in the atmosphere. Another is to somehow start using cement than does not produce CO2 as a by-product of production! I know that this is hard to understand, But the climate heating up is two-fold in the cause and affect. Because of the planet having now so much more deserts and semi-arid lands because of the slow process of carbon sequestration, the amount of sunlight that can now reach the surface of the planet and not be radiated back into space due to the old standard of cloud cover prior to the desert formations. At this point, many will say that because of the same lack of cloud cover, all of that same heat escapes back into outer space at night, and if that was true then an argument could be made. But that is not true, all during the daylight hours the winds move this heat to faraway lands that does have a ground cover so the overall effect of deserts is to provide more heat for the whole planet. This is even more true for the heating of the oceans that are close to these areas, the formations of hurricanes off of the west coast of the Sahara desert is an example. The east west winds coming straight out of the Sahara desert raises warm waters out of the Atlantic Ocean and begins the formation of a tropical depression that follows those same winds all the way west till it hits land that causes a more northerly track due to the cooler air over land's that are not as warm as the Sahara. If there was no desert in North Africa then there would be a much larger cloud cover and much more plant respiration and a cooler ocean. So the desert formation caused by the sequestration of carbon over the time frame of that life here on this planet has a larger effect than if we had much more CO2 in the atmosphere but no deserts at all. But we need to work with what we have, not what we wish we had. Please read my short 12-page paper that explains this in more detail Life cycle of a planet dan kadavy I can be reached by phone at 402-890-7946 Yours Dan Kadavy or e-mail at <>
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