503 DIII Humanity is the only species that have to pay to live and survive. while there are a few exceptions to this rule, they are few and far between!
What does that say about how we live? It means that we have very little say in most aspects of our lives if we wish to live in a house, we must pay for that privilege with taxes, energy, insurance, maintenance, and keeping the standards that each place puts upon the owners, cutting grass, moving snow, and so many other requirements to fall within acceptable parameters of society! We must obey laws we may disagree with, nor have any input in their adoption or application! While there are many different arrangements of governments around the world, even the ones that are voted in or out of power by the masses are never truly fair in explaining to their constituents what they are going to attempt to do if elected!
Yet this is the world we live in while we attempt to understand what 3.5 billion years of carbon sequestration have forced our planet to go through, including almost every single extinction event that has occurred in the history of our planet!
So the problem that we face is how do we repair the Earth's lost temperature-regulating-ability while dealing with almost 200 different countries and their individual rules and governing bodies all with their hand out and finding some reason to make billions of dollars in the name of necessary "Government Control"?
Do we start locally, Globally, with Scientists who have taken years to agree upon whether or not Snowball Earth Events even happened? or Plate Tectonics, Evolution, Even if Pluto was a planet or not? They do mainly get it right in the long run, but we are dealing with people who have spent their whole lives supporting this or that understanding, or agenda, and how can we expect them to suddenly say that Global Warming and Climate Change and the ever-increasing extreme weather events are not solely humanities responsibility as the cause, but are actually due to the lost of Earth from being able to regulate its temperatures as it once could because of never-ending carbon sequestration!
We are dealing with one of the most basic of Human emotions "ego" scholastic standing, whatever you wish to call what gives each of us the respect that we feel will be lost if another way of seeing what Earth is facing suddenly becomes the new peri dime, without evil humanity at the forefront!
This is why I claim we are more host than organism; we live a lifestyle dictated by the memes that our genes evolved to host. Were in the midst of a metaphysical abiogenesis; the emergence of new kind of life evolving in a Lamarckian fashion and perfectly suited for a spacefaring existence.
ReplyDeletegood morning ananiasacts, i have just read your comment from may 13 2024. for some reason it did not show up until now. I disagree with your belief of us every becoming a spacefaring species if that is truly your belief. There are many reason that i find this completely impossible, faster than light speed seems to be impossible with our current understanding, plus the distances even at light speed is a non-starter. Mankind will forever be limited to our own Solar System. As there is no other planet in our Solar System that we could survive on, that would leaves us with space habitats that would need to be completely self-contained, then to what purpose! Dan