Global Warming and Climate Change} what if we decide to not try and remove any carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

Global Warming and Climate Change} What if the planet governments decide that yes having extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a good thing because it helps increase crop yields in almost ever plant species out there, some have a more profound yield increase than others, but it makes feeding the world easier! And the work that would need to be done to minimize damage from rising oceans and seas, would be an economic boom to job creation around the world! The need to prevent flooding damage due to extreme climate events would create massive companies around the world that would have the job of building floodproofing infrastructure for every city in the world! And since there would be no reason now, to reduce deserts and semi-arid places which would have helped, regulate cloud cover and worldwide temperatures, the need for air conditioning in all public spaces around the globe, would have to create more massive companies to use the economics of size, to deliver this massive a.c. units at an affordable cost. So our monthly bills would now have the following charges on it 1) phone bill for cellular use 2) cable bill for t.v. viewing and streaming 3) increase water and sewer bill's due to lack of clean water from natural sources 4) flood prevention bill to spread out the cost of long term needs 5) infrastructure bond repayment bill for the necessary need to upgrade all electricity in the city for higher wind rating now,6) city tax bill for the need to enclose more of the cities parks and building for extreme weather events. And who knows how many other bills that would need bonds to pay for long term building projects that would now be needed. All of the extra infrastructure required around the world would make the difference between the rich and middle and lower classes even greater than ever. This profit potential for the need for even more large companies could easily sway many people in charge, to chase the monies that could be made with the simple stroke of a pen. The mass movement of peoples around the planet would not be stopped in this scenario, due to rising sea levels and still greater weather extremes, then we now face. With the right advertising, this plan could be made to appeal to the masses, without much effort, who would not want more food to feed the world, who would not want more jobs created and with almost no change in the status quo. And we could keep out, all of those people, that want to come in and take away our jobs. Please read my paper only 12 pages long titled    Life cycle of a planet dan kadavy  or I can be reached at my e-mail at  Or feel free to call me @ 402-890-7946 I would love to have a good conversation about this most important topic. Dan Kadavy


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