Global Warming and Climate Change} What are some of the causes of desert formation?

Global warming and climate change!   What are some of the reasons for desert formation?                      Deserts and semi-arid areas of the planet are somewhat new products of the climate of this planet. Prior to 2,000,000 years ago or thereabout, was when deserts and semi-arid places were starting to be formed around the world, this was just at the time that atmospheric carbon dioxide was becoming dangerously low for the requirement of healthy plant life to prosper. There are many requirements for plant life, but the big 3 are sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. But water requirement and carbon dioxide are tied together in a certain way when co2 is high, then less water is required for plant growth. When co2 is low, then more water is needed, because the plants need to open up their stoma more, allowing greater loss due to the plant's respiration process. This goes hand and hand with the formation of semi-arid and desert development! Why you ask? because as there is less and less plant life in an area then there is less plant respiration returning water back into the atmosphere, leading to less cloud formation and cloud cover, leading to more sunlight and heat and less chance of rain. This cycle becomes stronger as plant life dies and the areas affected become larger and larger. But this formation of places with less plant life has a positive effect on the rest of the world, in one very important way. It releases the carbon that had been, being used for plant life in those areas, back into the atmosphere, as carbon dioxide, after all of the carbon that was locked away has been converted back into carbon dioxide due to the normal break down of organic life. Meaning that over the rest of the world where water availability was more generous, then the now deserts and semi-arid had been, now has access to more co2 in the atmosphere. Did the formation of deserts form overnight? Absolutely not, there are so many factors that affect water availability over land, that to say low co2 concentrations are the only factor to consider, would be simply wrong, remember sunlight, water, and co2 levels. are only part of the equation. Over the history of the planet, the movement of saltwater has been the defining cause of places that could not support what we normally consider normal plant life. For after a sea or ocean moved or drained away, it would have taken many thousands of years for the left behind salt to have been washed out on the soils for the plant life on land that we think of as normal to be able to take root in those areas. Dan Kadavy 402-890-7946   please feel free to call or write to me at 1201 South 12th Road, Cortland Nebraska. 68331. Hi Portugal, call me or leave a comment, please am trying very hard to get some type of conversation going on this most important topic! Dan


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