Global Warming and Climate Change} Life cycle of a planet dan kadavy Refugees and moving water!

Global Warming! Climate Change! Refugees from the Middle East, Africa, South, and Latin American!   How are these issues related? Easy, all are problems that need to addressed and all are interrelated by the fact that without the available manpower none can be solved alone!                                                                   What does each issue bring to the table? The refugees from the middle east and Africa are trying to escape from religions and ideologically differences, war, famine, from basically one set of people telling other sets of people how to live, love, and pray. (simplified of course). The men, women, and children are leaving Latin and South American, for economic reasons and the fear of gang violence related to the massive drug trade, caused by corrupt governments and police!                                                              Global Warming, and Climate Change, has to be solved by moving vast quantity of water and changing deserts and semi-arid places into farmable lands as talked about in my Paper (Life cycle of a Planet by Dan Kadavy). Which by its very nature will take, vast amounts of human labor, to achieve this goal. The refugees are not looking for a handout, but a safe place to live and raise their family's, the problem comes when we try and find places that are willing and able to take these peoples in. The needs of these people have to be meet on a daily basis. Food, shelter, safety, are needs that the world has been trying to fulfill. But what if instead of simply fulfilling these basic needs every day we give these people a chance to own their lives by building a future in these places that will need to be used for preventing Global Warming and Climate Change. This huge workforce would be schooled in moving water, land management, fish hatcheries, crop planting, and harvesting. Teachers would have to be found within the population or educated so as to be considered not as an outside agency, governments would have to be set up by the population with guidelines set up for freedom of worship, of thought, first responders would come from within the population. A mixture of many populations would be best but families should not be broken up. Almost no money would be needed once the individual areas become established. And in time each community would be able to teach and educate the next generation The food and resources, that each place would produce would help the next town, farm, factory, to extend the water out farther and farther into each area, be it desert or semi-arid prior to man's actions. Mainly only materials would have to be invested in by the world at large, to help control the problems the planet faces. As Katniss says " thank you for your consideration," Daniel Kadavy 402- 890-7946 please feel free to call. 1201 south 12th road Cortland Nebraska, U. S. A.


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