Global Warming and Climate Change} what if we had a satellite view going back 500 million years?
Would it not be great if we could have a satellite view of the whole planet going back 500 million years at 50 thousand year intervals. That would be 10 thousand images of the planet covering the age of the dinosaurs up to the present. But what could we see that would affect how we look at our planet? A lot with the technology that we now have, we would see (this is my point of view based on carbon dioxide levels that I believe were in effect during this time frame) what gases made up the atmosphere, and how almost the whole planet was green with plant life even the Antarctic and until the last 40 to 45 frames or so there was no ice staged anywhere on the whole planet almost no deserts anywhere on the planet as I like to think the planet was running amok with life! Would we like to live on this planet? Probably not. we would have been a good food source for everything from the dinosaurs to the insects sucking our blood. It may seem funny but our ability to compete on this planet is party due to fact that there are lots of ice and temperature extremes on the planet now, that limit most lifeforms on this planet, in terms of growth potential and with the harsher climate and therefore shorter lifespans. We could now compete with fire and intellect. But the last 45 frames of pictures would show the loss of Carbon from the environment in the form of carbon dioxide with the ever-increasing deserts, and the staging of ice for the first time. This rapidly changing view would put into perspective that something drastic was happening to the planet, but what? With a detailed look at the change of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide, in particular, we would now easily come to the conclusion that what is now occurring on the planet has to do with the changing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide on such low levels that have never been seen before. Daniel Kadavy 402-890-7946 please feel free to call, reach me @
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