Global Warming and Climate Change} Part 3 of the condensed version of life cycle of a planet dan kadavy
Global Warming and Climate Change} Cliff notes of; life cycle of a planet dan kadavy So we have explained how the planet has got to this point, in the planetary evolution. And why mankind addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, is both extremely important to, stopping the next and final ice age, and why it is also changing the weather extremes that we are facing. So how do we combat these two at odds to each other problems! The solution lies in slowly lowering the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by diverting all major and minor river systems into the deserts and semi-arid areas of the planet! Then planting these areas with ground cover to start with, and then crop's and trees, as quickly as can be done. We start with some of the largest labor forces that are now on the planet, and that is the men and women that are fleeing there own homeland due to wars, famine, religious persecution, and many just simply trying for a better life, then there own country can offer them! Right now the world governments are trying to find ways of dealing with the millions of refugees. but many are simply being held in camps along borders, with just the minimum needed for survival. These camps hold some of the best and brightest of country's too stupid to understand that they are chasing out their best minds, for reasons of ideology, power, and greed! What better way than using this massive labor force to start new lives in areas most critical to the regulation of the planet's carbon dioxide level and weather extremes. Each new community that would bring these water from every river on the planet would in a very short time become first self-efficient, in providing for themselves, and then would start exporting foods around the planet, with the new lands that would be producing vegetables, grains, seafood, and everything else that water and land in abundance can provide. Large populations would then not be overwhelming the workforces of nations that has been willing to help these refugees! The end of part 3. For a more complete and in-depth look at this most important topic, please read my short 12-page paper, Life cycle of a planet dan kadavy I can be reached at Or by phone at 402-890-7946 Thank you Daniel Kadavy.
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