Global warming and Climate change} Part 2 of a condensed version of life cycle of a planet dan kadavy
Cliff notes; part 2 of a condensed version of life cycle of a planet and 24 short posts. So here we are putting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere then, the planet can sequestration in a year, ( which is estimated at 10 Gt/c per ) This is the first time in the history of the planet, that something outside of volcanic action, that has been able to take carbon that the planet had stored away and released it back into the atmosphere! Had this happened 3 million years ago, when there was very few areas of deserts and semi-arid places that were not allowing so much of the sun's energy to reach the ground because there would have been much more cloud cover than we have today? Then we would not be experiencing so much temperature rise or so much extreme weather as we are now! However, there would also not be any ice on the planet, to worry about rising sea levels. Also goodbye sunny California, Instead there would be a lot more tropical rain forest, and only a small part of Florida would not be underwater, but of course, we would never have built there in the first place! But this is not 3 million years ago, this is now. And the extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is changing the climate in many ways. Melting ice around the planet, (but not really at the south pole, many people would disagree with this statement.) Extreme weather around the globe, because the size of the deserts and semi-arid areas of the planet has been increasing prior to man's arrival, due to that very lack of adequate carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, so that all areas of the planet could have plant life in abundance! These minimum areas of plant life have reduced the planets ability to regulate surface temperatures, by the increased cloud cover that would have stopped much of the sun's energy from reaching the surface of the planet. To deal with these new normals of the planet and mitigate their influence around the world. We need to stop, moving water, from reaching the seas and oceans of the planet. End of part 2. The third part of these cliff notes about Life cycle of a planet dan kadavy will deal only with the complete solution of how to solve all problems associated with the increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, I can be reached at or you can call me at 402-890-7946 Thank you, Dan Kadavy
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