Global Warming and Climate Change} There is so much information about man's role in these subjects!

Global Warming and Climate change} And the really funny part is, almost everything that is written has a lot of truth in it, but the truth is only part of the greater reality. Let's start with mankind's, need to know what started the glaciation cycle the planet has been in for over 2 million years. Milutin Milankovitch put forth a theory, that there are 3 different cycles that the planet goes though, that when you line them up with growing and shinking of glaciers on the face of the planet correlates fairly closely with the planet receiving more or less energy from the sun! Looking at this at face value, it would seem to be why glaciers grow and shrink at a somewhat consistent time frame. However you would need to ask yourself why is this happening just in the last 2 million years and not before, when the sun is very slowly gaining in strength over time not losing strenght. So a case should be made that Milankovitch did find part of the solution and not the main reason. In fact his theory actually puts forth the cause of carbon dioxide as the main factor in when ice is being staged on the planet by showing that his theory can only account for a different of 20 parts per million change in when his theory accentuates the starting and stopping of each glaciation cycle! Many scientist agree that, Milankovitch theory only gives us part of the story, so we are left with the question, what is the rest of the story ( as Paul Harvey would have said ) (who?) I am trying very hard to make it easy to understand that rest of the story! Only something that is at the very heart of life on this planet could so profoundly affect that very life and cause such a great change in the planet life cycle, we are not just talking about the massive amounts of ice on the planet, but also the "loss of creation", by the lost of plant life in 25% of the world that we now know as deserts and semi-arid areas! There are only 3 things that have that power, The Sun, Water, and Carbon Dioxide. It turns out that all three are tied in together, The Sun's energy output is fairly uniformed, but cloud cover greatly changes how much reaches the planets ground, plants ground cover and respiration, changes how much sunlight is converted to heat and how much to energy production in plant growth. And both water vapor in the atmosphere and available for plant uptake affects both of the others. Please read  Life cycle of a planet dan kadavy   or I can be reached at 402-890-7946 or by e-mail Thank you


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