Global Warming and Climate Change} question #4 how to go somewhat back?

We have looked at just a small window of the planet's past, with the last question. Realizing that the reason that the planet is reacting with so much change, in the strength of weather events, around the planet. Is because, of the very large increase in the formations of desert's and semi-arid area's that use to be filled with plant life, that helped in stabilizing the temperature of the planet! Instead these same area's now are increasing the the temperature extremes.                                                                                             Meaning that we need to help reduce those extremes, by moving water back into those areas and replanting as much and as quickly as we can. The only available water,'s are from the mighty river's of the planet. The most logical work forces for accomplishing this, ambitious plan. Is the highly motivated, and very large group of refugees, that are simply trying to find a better life, then the war torn countries that they are fleeing from, can offer. As in all conflict's the best and brightest are to first to realize that in the middle of whatever type of conflict there is, they will be the first to be targeted, both for their education and second because they stand out as different, be it because they do not settle for the easy way, or because they cannot be swayed by a silken tongued politician! I can be reached at 402-890-7946 in the U.S.A. or @ Thank you and I would love to have a good conversation about this!


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