Global Warming and Climate Change} 45,890 Gt/c is all of the available carbon left for all life on the planet!

 That sound's like a lot, doesn't it. I mean 1 Gt/c is one billion ton's which translate into 45 trillion 890 billion ton's. I wonder how many football stadiums that would fill up? Plus volcano's put back around  3 Gt/c each year on average. So why am I such a "worry wart" we are even adding more every year by burning fossil fuel's and using limestone to create cement, for all of the massive project's that we are building, skyscrapers, roads, dams, drainage way's the list of concrete uses, go on and on! So what is my problem? Scientist's best guess, is the following, The planet sequesters around 10 Gt/c each year, there is only 4000 Gt/c of fossil fuel's left, meaning that if we could reduce our use of fossil fuel's all the way down to only 7Gt/c per year. That source will only last for 571 year's, after that we would have to begin supplementing the carbon lost of 7 Gt/c per year by some other means's just to maintain the planet as it is now. Otherwise the planet will continue to lose 7 Gt/c each and every year, until the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere drop's down to around 190 ppm. Then the planet will enter into the next and very last ice age! Never to warm up again and once the planet hits only 150 ppm of co2 in the atmosphere, almost all plant life will disappear! As well as all animal life, including Mankind! Without mankind working to prevent this, life as we know will cease to exist in just a blink of eye in geologic time! The only long term solution, to this end of world problem, is to start replanting all of the planet's arid and semi-arid area's, by using all of the river's of the planet and directing their waters, to these area's! (without mankind being on this planet, at just this time, there would not be any way for this not to be the outcome.) This will start the planet back on the path of, Temperature Regulation, and then we will need to use the stored carbon in limestone to maintain the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, that best benefit's life on this planet! Our only home. Reach me at 402-890-7946 or by e-mail at  If you have a question about this blog or any post to the blog feel free to call me . Thank you Dan


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