Global Warming and Climate Change} And the mountain ranges of antarctica!

Glacier replenishment in the Antarctica, would be helped by the fact that there are many mountain ranges that would act as dam's to keep, whatever fresh water as snow and ice that we add to it. Yes the heights that we would have to overcome to get this water on the interior side of the mountain ranges. Would be worth a lot, for the length of time that the ice would remain could very well be counted in century's not decades! And their would be almost no limit on how much ice that tremendous continent could hold! The more I think about it, the more I like the idea about using old tanker, for converting wave action to pumping fresh water on a massive scale. Of course how feasible this would end up being, only time will tell, but I believe that if we could get this to work for pumping water! Think about how well it might work for creating electricity! Which would not need to be fresh water to turn a turbine. Wave action in the Antarctica, seems to be formidable, and consistence, both necessary for large production of either water pumping or electrical generation. Perhaps more problematic would be how to get either the water pumping or the electricity to get it where you want it to go! The down time for repairs could be higher than desired. We head next to the Greenland sea ice, that would also be considered old sea ice that would be basically fresh water, and do the same as in Antarctica. Take only the old sea ice that has purified itself becoming fresh water and pump this water back onto Greenland. Because around 60,000 people live on Greenland with a high unemployment rate, the people there should be given the jobs and to make sure that only pure water would be allowed to be pumped back onto there land surface. Because of these requirements, and the need to use Greenlander's and not Refugee's who work for themselves and live by their production. This movement of glacier replenishment would likely be the most expensive! reach me at   or by 402-890-7966 In the U.S.A. Thank you Dan


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