Global Warming and Climate Change} Do we even have enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

This is a loaded question, it can only be answered by stating than if the planet had as much cloud cover as it did 2.5 million years ago, we would not find ourselves with any cause for concern about global warming! Saying that, there would also be very little arid or semi-arid places on the planet, so with a amount of carbon dioxide  going from 200 parts per million (ppm) to 400 ppm would not incur any warming at all! Why you ask, because as extra carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere its warming effect is mitigated by increased plant growth, followed by an increase of water vapor, followed by more cloud cover, reducing the sunlight hitting the planet!  This only works when the cloud cover and the increased carbon dioxide are in balance. If as now, there simply is not enough cloud cover, because there is not enough plant life! And their is not enough plant life because around 2.5 million years ago carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was too low for anywhere that was challenged by lower water available lost its plant life and became arid and semi-arid regions of the planet! This was all caused by carbon sequestration, over the entire life of plant life in this very planet. So in a nut shell once we help balance nature with replanting of most of the the arid and semi-arid area's, then nature will regulate the planet temperature to the point that it will not matter how much carbon dioxide mankind puts into the atmosphere. Of course their is only around six hundred years, of fossil fuels left buried around the planet, if we drop the rate of consumption to around 7 Gt/c per year. (best guess of around 4000 Gt/c left on the planet) This also means that we need to keep staging ice at the same levels that is currently on the planet. Reach me at   or by phone @ 402-890-7946 thank you Dan


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