Global Warming and Climate Change} How many things have to happen in "town" construction

When setting up construction of "towns" for the replanting part of the solution, for the repair of global warming, there will be at least 2 different types. The first type, would be mobile, because it would be the one that will be bringing the water from the rivers, inland to where it would start being cleaned up, then on to the first areas of use. This  "town" would be the first permanent "town" and will need to be one of the largest. The infrastructure here would be much more than any other "town", the cleaning of the water ( removal of trash, heavy metal's, any fish or like life, testing for poison's or pathogens, etc. ) Schools both for the children, of the "town" but also for the adults for all of the necessary skills needed to learn how to work, converting deserts to fully operating farming communities. Moving the water from rivers to "town" than on, just like spokes on a bike to the following "town's". How far apart each "town" was would vary, but every 7 miles seems to work in many places around the planet. A light rail system should connect all "towns" both for people and suppliers. A town center would help in facilitating much of the needs of a prosperous community. Entertainment, movies, restaurants, places for people to meet and hang out, plus local government offices. The need to feel connected, to a greater cause, would only go so far, in making a place a home. Family, friends, meeting others that share some but not all of your beliefs, even meeting people that have little in common with you will give everyone a greater understanding of just how much we can be different and how much we all can be the same! Even the "towns" that move the water can be made permanent, just as the water is moved forward and the men and women that do that, move forward. The next group of farmers will move into the town being vacated, or the water movers will decide to settle down and lets others take over their old jobs. While routine and continuity can make for faster development, they can also be a little boring. The more that everyone knows how to do many different things. the less chance that people will become tired of going to the same job every day. Reach me at   or phone 402-890-7946 Thank you, Dan


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