Global Warming and Climate Change} How many years are we talking for replanting of the desert's?

As Patrick Jane would say, there is no such thing's as psychics! The best example's of how fast we could move water from the great river's of the planet a thousand miles would be the movement of water's out of the Colorado River, all the way to Los Angeles, California that had to cross several mountain ranges. Then over to Los Vegas, Nevada on to Arizona and Phoenix. So much water is removed form the Colorado river that it no longer even reaches the Rio Grange river between the US and Mexico, but simple vanishes into the desert landscape of Arizona. Many of these projects were done, over 6 year's. Hoover dam was built in 5 years using 200 engineer's and 7000 laborer's back in 1930's Let's talk about the Three Gorges Dam in China, took only 11 year's to build! We are talking about the largest dam in the world, and supplies 10 percent of all the electric needs of China. The work force that could be brought to bear on the moving of water and the replanting of the arid and semi-arid area's of the planet, is astounding. Only the fortitude of the planet's people is missing. Without a workable plan going forward, that satisfies all of the aspect's of Global Warming, Climate Change, and the most important aspect of all, Loss of the planet life blood, carbon in the form of carbon dioxide, and the loss of much of the planet's temperature regulation, by the creation of desert's and semi-arid area's around the world! This is the only way forward! I repeat THIS IS THE ONLY WAY FORWARD! All other plan's only treat the symptom's, and not the root cause of the planet's crisis! Just because, what we (mankind) thinks is normal (meaning the last 10,000 year's of life on this planet) Is simply put, the last stages of a dying planet's attempt to prolong life, in the hope that something could be found! And something was found, a thinking and acting species that can alter it's environment, and the planet's environment, to sustain all life on the planet! When we say that life, finds a way. We never really think that, we might be "the way" Please reach me at  or phone at 402-890-7946. Thank you Dan   Please do not think that I am putting "what the bible Say's" I am the way the truth and the light" meaning Jesus In any negative light. people will try and find things that are not there, there. " Life will find a way" is simply mankind's way of explaining how thing's happen that we cannot always put into words because we are still learning, as I hope that we will always do! Dan


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