Global Warming and Climate Change} I may have been a little flippant.

When I said, to treat glacier replenishment as if they were ski resorts. What i should have said, is we need to keep the amount of ice that is being staged on the planet, at the same levels, that the planet has seen for the last 10,000 years! And the best way to do that is by installing dam's around the planet so that water that comes off of these glaciers can be returned as snow, just like we do at ski resorts when nature has been a little light with the snowfall. But the amount's that I am talking about, all over the planet, At Greenland and Antarctica also, would need to surpass or at lest equal, the melting amount that has been happening! ( That my friend is a lot of snow!) In many places, it would not have to be in the form of snow, very cold water would work where the temperatures are cold enough or there is no grade to take into account.                                                                                                                                  So that we are clear, If we can find a way around governments that are too pigheaded to see a good thing when it there, The Use of Refugee's for doing the vast amounts of what would be necessary, would solve so many issues. Just remember these refugee's would not be used as cheap labor, But as people who can do what needs to be done and would in return would get the fruit's of there labor, The homes that will be built, will become theirs after a few years, the farm's and fisheries, the same, even the factories would become communal properties. so that everyone who work's  them would benefit.  Yes in the beginning, transportation, housing, food, equipment, and schooling for the work force would need to be taken care of. Many of the people who would be needed, would already be there.  Refugee's by their very nature can be the cream of society, the educated, doctors, engineers, teachers, and just people who will not play along to get along. These are the people that are targeted anytime there is unrest in a society. of course not everyone will fall in these categories, but just the fact that they have come as far as they have, says's a lot about who they are. And yes many will have a chip on there shoulders, and rightly so. Just being human says that we will at least try, to feed and shelter as many of these people as we can. But what if? reach me at  402-890-7946 or  daniel, Thank you, Dan


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