Global Warming and Climate Change} Is the Sahara desert the most important place to start?

Because of it's placement and size, it seems to make, much of the weather changes to both Europe, the Middle East, and the North American continent, at least on the east coast. Plus with the Nile river system, so close, it would be an ideal place to start. Another plus, (if you call, being a refugee a plus) there are many refugee within a 1000 miles of the Nile river, many of there homelands would be the first to see changes from the work that could be accomplished with replanting the desert there. Even their ties to their native homelands, in both Africa, and the Middle East will reap benefits! So does this mean that the Sahara desert would be the place to start? Because of all the above stated reasons it would be a very good place to start, but not necessarily the most important place. Replanting the arid and semi-arid area's of the planet, only will start the process of planet wide temperature regulation improvement, when a significant percentage of the planet has been replanted! Granted, if we could replant all of the Sahara desert, simply into a ground cover, that amount would have a major effect on the planet as a whole. But we come upon two problems, first is that there is simple not enough fresh water available from all of the sources that surround the Sahara desert to do this. Second while ground cover crop's would work to do what we want to accomplish, it would create a glut in the market, that would prevent these "town's" from becoming self-sufficient and prosperous. In time, the rainfall's would increase to the point when the rivers in the areas would become sufficient for all of the surrounding area's needs. Also in time, the crops, fisheries, orchards, and the industry's of the area, could easily make the "town's" more than self-sufficient. And a very desirable and attractive, place to live, and work. In many way's, these new "town's" around the whole planet (if we can keep corruption out) will be some of the best places to raise a family and find fulfillment, for a life filled with purpose. There has been attempt at creating new cities from scratch, Brasilia, and Islamabad, are perhaps the two best known. But they were founded to be the new modern capitals of there country's, and not as man's best chance at saving all of the planet's carbon based life! I can be reached @  or by phone at 402-890-7946 in the USA. Thank you for reading my post Dan


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