Global Warming and Climate Change} Let's run some numbers by you.
Around 2.5 million years ago, the planet was just starting to run low on the life blood of the plant life, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! The levels were probably around 190 parts per million, or put it another way, .019% ! The good thing was that there was almost no ice on the planet, and very few arid or semi-arid area's on the planet. So around this time, the temperature was slowly lowing, both due to what later would became know as the "Milankovitch oscillations" and the very low amount of the greenhouse co2. And the planet enter into the first ice age for Almost 12 million years, and before that around 245 million years! The good part of all this was that at that time there was very very large reserves of carbon in the great oceans of the planet. However the only way that this carbon would become available to enter the atmosphere, was as a gas, when the ice on the planet had lowered the oceans by hundreds of feet around the whole planet. (There were other gases at work, such as methane) This is why the cycles of more ice on the planet and less ice on the planet, is so out of balance. It takes 10's of thousands of years to create enough ice to be staged on the planet to release the necessary carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere, but the carbon sequestration of that same carbon is much quicker to occur, The inter glacier periods would be even shorter, if the sizes of the arid and semi-arid area's did not keep increasing around the whole planet at this same time. Carbon sequestration, is fairly consistent year in and year out, of taking around 10 Gt/c out of the cycle of plant life. And volcanic action is somewhat more unstable year in and year out, but is estimated to return on average only around 3 Gt/c each years. Now jump ahead that 2.5 million years, and the great reserves of the oceans are almost gone. Arid and semi-arid area's have increased to around 1/4 of the land area, of the planet, and getting larger ever year! Add up all of the available carbon left and you get app. 45,860 Gt/c not even close, to let the planet survive another ice age cycle! Reach me at or by phone at 402-890-7946 in the U.S.A. Thank you, Dan
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