Global Warming and Climate Change} Lots of the same people are reading my post's and blog!

However, they are not corresponding with me or leaving comments. Without a dialogue, that includes millions of people, I do not know how to move my idea's forward. Only with mass involvement, can we change the way that governments will start to engage with any issue! Look at the Arab Spring, how many regimes were made to change! What did come from this, while not always what the participants envisioned, there was a change? What I am talking about, is not any form of government overthrow, or power grab! but simply that enough people around the planet get together and if the governments of the planet can not get together on the need for replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, using the rivers of the planet! Instead of letting our polluted water do harm, to so much of the oceans. Then simply get out of the way, and not feel that we are doing any, government, harm by giving 50 million refugee's a place to live that no one else wants to live, work that very few would be willing to do, by starting a whole new life from scratch, in climates that very few people would wish to live in. Be it in a desert or high up in mountains, or even better yet, next door to Antarctica! So if whoever is reading my papers and post's concerning the true nature, of nature. Please call me or e-mail me, but please do something even if it is just telling friends or colleagues to read something that gives the Global Warming issue, a new outlook. Reach me at   Or my blog at    or phone me at 402-890-7946  in Cortland Nebraska. 68331 U.S.A. To all who have been kind enough to read what I have been writing, thank you Dan


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