Global Warming and Climate Change} My plan will start the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
My plan will start the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! Stop almost all of the pollution of the seas and ocean's by simply stopping the rivers that carry these pollution's into the them, bringing much needed water with billion's of tons of nutrient's suspended within it, to arid and semi-arid area's of the planet! Provide work, housing, ownership, pride and self worth, for perhaps 50 million plus refugee's, around the planet! Using this source of work force , will also prevent higher unemployment in nation that do take this population in. It will increase by a very substantial amount, the food production ability of the planet, while producing a more healthy way of life for much of the planet, with more grains, vegetables, and fish as a more common protein source. By shifting much of the fish production onto these newly created fish farms, Ocean over fishing should be reduced and allowed to come back to higher levels, that will bring the balance of the fish population in the Oceans back in tune with the needs there. My plan will also reduce climate extremes, replenish the planet glacier's and therefore much of the fresh water supplies of the world's people. And would even reduce tensions between Counties over food, water, and even religion! The only thing stopping all of this, is the politicians, so leave them out of the loop completely Go straight to the People give them the solution that whether you believe that the planet is running low on available carbon or not, it will repair all of the problem's that we are now facing. It seems that enough people that do have influence are already on board, that climate change and global warming, is real and needs fixing in a timely manner! Many of these same people have already said that they would be wiling to help out financially to start with, and since my plan would greatly reduce the cost's that some people are throwing around as the minimum needed to start! Perhaps the best part of my solution is that we already possess all of the technical ability's and knowledge needed to accomplish all of the part's that my solution needs to have available! However there is always room for improvement in any scenario. Reach me by phone in the U.S.A. at 402-890-7946 or at Thank You, Dan
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