Global Warming And Climate Change} What other need does the planet have that mankind can help with?

In many way's mankind has been very hard on the planet! Much of this comes from our history, of the need to overcome any and all obstacles, to survive and improve our position in this life! You show me a rancher who has no problem, with having wolf's, coyotes, bears, feeding on their livestock. Or a farmer, who welcomes deer, rabbit's, or other farmer's livestock eating their crop's. These thing's are simply not acceptable to people, who need to keep the fruit's of there labor, to survive and prosper, in a world where everyone wants everything as cheap as they can, so they can have more for less! Then comes the after use of a product, be it waste food, the packing that "things" come in, or the need to always having the newest gadgets! But we always have an excuse on why we need to upgrade everything in our life. The car we drive is 2 years old and will start costing more to repair, and the hassle of working around a old car, when it's going to be in the shop. Or after 2 years the resale value is going to go down too fast. It just makes more sense, to keep a car no longer than 2 year's or 4 year's or 6 year's or--- however many you have decided. Computers, phones, t.vs., clothing, appliances, the list of things can go on and on. ( we will not talk about new husband's or wives ) By the way, now in America, the average person moves every 7 years! ( of course much of this is because so many people rent, but this is only part of it) What this all means's is mankind is always looking for something over the next hill, Emma Bombeck use to say "the grass is always greener over the septic tank" All of this need for change, improvement, has a cost, that usually means's that the planet suffers in some way. Perhaps this subconscious need that mankind has is why, certain kinds of changes, are very hard for people, to even start to contemplate. Climate change is one of these things, it reeks of unwanted change, how will it change the way I live my life, but if I do not think about it, It will not need to be addressed, in my lifetime. Life is hard enough as it is, let's not look for more problem's that really, what can one person do anyway! Reach me at  or by phone in the U.S.A. 402-890-7946 Thank you, Dan


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