Global Warming and Climate Change} What do people see as the hardest aspect of mankind, being the only answer?

This is a fundamental question for mankind, why are we here? A very large percentage find their answer, not on this planet as the answer, but in an afterlife! The world is simply a test, that must be endured, in such a way to prove that you deserve a better existence afterward. My own beliefs are of no importance, in any way. And yet many people will feel that it will have a very large bearing on my reason for my seeing what is happening on this planet. I completely disagree, Only what carbon-based life on this planet has been doing to the availability of that very carbon, is what I am trying to get enough people interested in! From a very early age, we are taught some very simple truths. First is that what you do, has consequences, as a baby we come to understand that smiling, brings about good responses, from those that interact with us. And crying normally helps us, to get what we need. Many ends up using both for there whole life, as their main way of interacting with others. As we grow, not just in size, but in our ability to understand, we start to learn basic truth's about nature, many learn quite a bit of these in the kitchen. Learning to cook shows us that there are absolutes, just a little more of something can make a good meal bad, or better, salt and pepper's are a prime example. It also teaches us that without the right ingredients at hand, we better make something else, or have a very good understanding of what each ingredient does, to be able to substitute with confidence. A good grounding in how things work is always necessary for the start of understanding, Nature has many limits, some are so basic that we simply forget how important these basics are. When we run out of something at home, we go to a store. Only when something big happens are any of our lives interrupted, earthquakes, storms, wars, famine, disease, death. But in the back of our mind's we know that the sun, moon, stars, and the ground under our feet, is what makes us! For these things are eternal, our rock, just like our parents at our birth. We do not have to worry if the sun will rise tomorrow! So if someone comes along and explains that a problem has developed with the sun, stars, moon or the planet itself, denial is always going to be the default setting for our response. Because otherwise, what could we possibly do to fix the end of the world? For in the GRAND scheme of things, that is why there is a God! Mankind could not possibly hope to fix anything beyond, a scheme, never a GRAND scheme! When in reality, we can fix this, and any other problem that comes up, if we do it together! Maybe in time, we could develop a limestone eating bacteria that would release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere at just the right rate, and not eat up our building that may be made of limestone. Reach me at  or by phone at 402-890-7946 in the U.S.A. Thank you, Dan


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