Global Warming and Climate Change} When someone complains of a problem, how do they describe it?
Most people, start with their symptoms, and it does not matter if they are talking about, problems with a car, their body, or their relationship with someone. My wife is absolutely sure that she can tell when the car is starting to have a issue, and many times she is right but she can not tell what is wrong, simply that it is making a new sound,and try to describe it to me. Me if it is simply a rattle, I will trace down the vibration and put in something to stop the rattle, But does that fix the problem of simply cover it up? If it was simply a bolt or screw that came loose over time, sure but what if the reason the bolt or screw came loose, was because the muffler was about to go, and the extra vibration cause something else to fail first. So I only treated the symptom, and not the root cause. This is what is going on with Global Warming and Climate Change, right now. We are attempting to treat the symptoms only, and not worry about the root cause of the planet. But we do need to treat the symptoms, and better yet, if the way we treat the symptoms, is the first treatment for the root cause as well, then we are ahead of the game. If the planet turns out to also be a patient, in need of a cure, not simply a temporary fix. ( but you know how people love to sell you something that you have to take for the rest of your life, instead of just curing you, ) We can cure the symptom's forever by replanting the planet. But for maintaining the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, that perhaps can only be accomplished by long term replacement, of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Since only mankind has the ability, to change the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, (with the help of volcano's). Then mankind is absolutely essential to the continuation of life on this planet! I remember when LED light bulb's first came out, they were very expensive, around 10 dollars each, and normal incandescent bulb's, 4 for a dollar. Business thinking was, yes they are much more expensive but people would save a lot of money over time, so people would do the math and buy there bulb's. Making a killing on these bulb's. But Man is cheap, very few people were willing to replace 20 or 30 bulb's in their homes at one time, hoping to save money later. Plus the 10 year life span proved to be very over rated. Perhaps through, they are not making these new bulb's as well as they can, to simply sell more over time. Now you can find these bulb's for 1 dollar each quite often. Reach me @ or by phone at 402-890-7946 USA
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