Global Warming and Climate Change} Why does the next few years matter so much?

Right now, the main stream media, is in three minds here in America. First one, like Fox news, have little to say about Global warming and Climate change. I think that they do not believe very much in these idea's, or perhaps that it is something that is not of great concern to main street America's therefore not a subject to get much into. The next set, is all doom and gloom, in that the problem has been going on so long now with minimum response, from the world, other then shouting, that nothing will happen until it is too late! The middle of the road media, does report quite a bit about these subject's but is at a loss on which direction to go. Do we give up meat to reduce methane output by livestock, do we all drive electric cars to reduce our carbon footprint? How best do we solve these problems, many scientist state that even if mankind would stop using fossil fuels today, tomorrow still looks bleak!                             I would point out the following, Yes mankind has started too change the environment with the addition of more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere then has been present for more than 2.5 million years! And because the planet has lost much of it's, temperature regulation, ability's over these last 2.5 million years. Due to the increased area's on the planet of arid and semi-arid places. This has caused extreme weather to become more common, for the very reason that there is more temperature extremes that comes into contact on a daily basic! When high temperatures come into contact with low temperatures add water in the atmosphere into the mix and, yes extreme weather! So the solution is to help the planet regulate the temperature extremes by getting rid of as much desert area's as possible and as quickly as possible. So using the rivers of the world to replant the desert's, Using the refugee's of the world to replant these desert's, replace ice all over the planet, by pretending that they are ski resorts! Everyone is happy! Refugee's get to live and work without the anger that would have been shown them. the planet can now use the extra co2 for plant life. and mankind will have then necessary time for reducing their dependence's on fossil fuel's. and with 50 million plus refugee's as a willing labor force, this all could happen in a timely fashion! Reach me at  or by phone at 402-890-7946 Thank you for taking the time to read this, Dan.


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