Global Warming and Climate Change} Why did I start this blog?

About 26 years ago, I moved back to Nebraska because my wife and I did not what to raise our children in a big metropolis. I grew up on a small farm by Lincoln, and had quite a large family living with-in a short drive, of Lincoln. I build homes, so I was always working outside. I really noticed how much milder the winter's were from when I was young, especially how shallow the frost lines were. compared to there depth's only 20 year's earlier. I remember one winter when I was young I would have to walk 1/2 mile every morning in the dark, to break ice on our pond so that the cattle could drink water, at least once that day. Not now, most winter's the ice on the lakes is to thin to even ice skate on safely. It was about this time that I really started reading up on the planet's history, I am not talking about mankind's history, but as far back as we can go in time. Was there a time line that showed what the planet was like? No, there was a lot of information, but it was scattered all over in book's that had no connection will each other. I was amazed that no one person or institution had tried to put the whole history of life on the planet down in a format, that could be understood by most people. Yes there were lot of bit's and pieces, and time lines for this and that, but not a single short book that put the history of life on this planet down for all to see. Now I understand that because of how science is used to explore history, it is not easy to fit pieces together, into a string of past history, because this part of science, is way too young! So for the next 20 years or so, I was waiting for science to tell the world about what is really happening because of carbon sequestration! And nothing was forthcoming, but the population of the world had started to demand solutions for melting glaciers, heat waves in Europe, flooding events, that were suppose to only happen once every hundred years, now happening every few years. And the only response that was being put forth was our carbon footprint. And no one was explaining, that was only a symptom of the problem, not the underlying cause that needs to be addressed, of loss of carbon via carbon sequestration and that lead, to the planet's reduction of it ability to regulate temperature extremes by cloud cover in the atmosphere! The truly good part of all this, is that fixing one part, the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, by replanting the desert's. Repairs another problem, of loss of temperature regulation, due to loss of cloud cover, over the last 2.5 million years! So no one was bringing forth the correct solution, so I decided that I had to! But I also understood that it would and will be, hard for anyone to take me seriously. After all I build homes, not doing research, at the South Pole, for the last 40 years! At least it is easy to get ahold of me, I can be reached @  402-890-7946 USA or  at  .Thank you for reading my rambling. Dan


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