Global Warming and Climate Change} Question #6
We have covered reasons for desert formation, Low carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does play a significant role since the end of the last ice age! Question #6 then would follow, how can we reduce the sizes of all desert and semi-arid areas around the planet. To reduce the number of deserts and semi-arid areas, we need the three requirements of life to be available. 1 sunlight, no problem there, 2 Carbon dioxide in enough quantity so as to not take it away from the rest of the planet, plant life. 200 years ago there simply was not enough co2 in the atmosphere to attain the plant ground cover, necessary to start the cloud cover for planet temperature regulation. But with the extra carbon dioxide that mankind has been adding to the atmosphere, we now can start the Herculean task of, desert and semi-arid reduction. That brings us to the third requirement of life, water! Only by stopping most if not all of the freshwater that enters the oceans and seas of the planet, can we hope to remediate the damage done by the sequestration of carbon! This is supposed to work by using all of the freshwaters from around the planet to reduce most of the deserts and semi-arid areas of the planet. We would recreate something of what the planet was like around 2.5 million years ago. Meaning a more tropical and temperate rain Forest around the world, that would now have the ability to help self regulate the temperature extremes. as we succeed in these ventures, we could and would allow the rivers to reach the oceans again, because the rainfall pattern's around the planet would now be enough to keep the planet green again. And now all mankind would need to do is maintain the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere at whatever amount, we have found to be needed for this! I would not expect this balance to be achieved without unexpected problems occurring. And I would not expect even our children to see the day that this happens. But by starting now, our children,s children could very well see the paradise that would be theirs! Thank you Reach me @ or by phone at 402-890-7946
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