Global Warming and Climate Change} The problem is how to get the country to invite these people in!
The first thing to do is figure out the very best plan, on how to start in a step by step design. How many front's would work best. We are not talking about only a few places, but the complete plan for, water diversion, replanting, glacier replenishment, and we give each article of the plan, a number based on how much it is considered important to the overall plan, we give as much detail as possible, so that every one on the planet knows these details. Then we ask each government to invite the necessary party's both in people and equipment into there country and we explain how the "town" will need to be set up, at no cost to the country in question. After each area becomes established, and become first, self -sufficient, and then start to produce enough to sell to the local government at set prices. All start up cost, should be paided by country's that will not need help from these "town's" So that the country's that have invited these in, can not claim a hardship for any cost's, because there would not be any. The country in question will only profit from this exchange. After these town's can stand on there own, then they would start to pay taxes, to the host country at a set rate. Verified by outside agencies, not the host country. Every thing that can be done to stop corruption, has to be done, Any fee's that will be attached to the "town's" will be automatically overseen by outside sources. Any found corruption will need to be severely handled. If the country does not invite the necessary people in then the next country on the list will be asked, and the country that said no will not be able to apply for help, for a certain length of time, Both the country refusal or there invitation will be noted for the whole planet to see. There should be no back room talks, which simply end's up being a way to ask for bribes. These does seem to be quite a few wealthy individuals and corporation who with the proper over site, would be willing to start the ball rolling. Which means's that my own plan's would be subject to a lot of scientific scrutiny, to verify that what I have been saying, is what is truly happening. There is so much money to be made, by not finding my research correct, because of the invention's that other's will be proposing, for solving the reduction of carbon dioxide in the air. While my solution, needs very little investment by government's and therefor very little government over site. Reach me at or by phone 402-890-7946 in the USA Thank you Dan. Global Warming is not a goverment problem, it's a mankind problem. Just like the UN is suppose to work, Perhap's a Climate Change United Planet is needed, and not with delagates from each nation, but from Universities, Scienist's, Humanitarian's, and other's, around the planet's
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