Global Warming and Climate Change} People miss using the internet, has become what was never to be!
When yellow journalism became acceptable in the late 1800's in America and Britain, we told everyone that truth does not matter, now over 100 year's later, we are trying to put the horse back into a barn that has been burnt down. Only now the horse is a super sonic sound bite that can travel the planet in milliseconds. And it's not about Elvis being seen on the moon (that for some reason, some people will believe) but it's about changing who become presidents, or that cigarette's, are not bad for you, or as simply as who said what, when there is now, no way to know if it is true! People, governments, corporations, everyone is allowed to lie, misled, confuse, or even change the subject, whatever it takes! And for people with money and or power, truth is something that has no place in business, only the bottom line matters. Perhaps this is why so many of us choose, drink or drug's, It can be a coping mechanism, when you have so little power over your own life. Or for many a life outside of the "law" or from society. The Internet was meant to give the common man a way to learn, interact, and be informed. For many it has become a way to steal, seduce, pretend, and re-educate other's to your way of thinking. This last one has worked unbelievably well! And has created the most divisive, society in many part's of the planet that we have ever seen, Hong Kong, the Middle East, China and the US, Russia and so many. And Climate Change believers and doubters, and then me right in the middle. Trying to get two warring party's to sit down and listen on how to fix a problem that no one even considered was a problem! All with the planet in one of it's most stressed out period in a long time! It seems to me that I am just a fly, buzzing around, trying to find that hole in the screen, that will get me in where I think I want to be? I can be reached at or by phone at 402-890-7946 in the USA Thank you Dan
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