Global Warming and Climate change} Why is it so hard, to get people to see?
I was talking to a friend that had read my first 12-page paper, Life cycle of a planet dan kadavy, his take on it, was much the same as many people here in Nebraska. It was just another opinion, that showed that the people that are trying to say that the planet is warming up, simply do not know what they are talking about, so why listen to anything that they have to say! He went on to say that if they can not even get the root of the problem right, how do they know, what the right solutions should be! There is some truth in this, but a much greater truth is that we do need to act, much more than we are now, and in the right direction! But my friend's reaction does show that he simply was using my paper, not as a new concept, that should be given serious thought. But only in how it could be used to discredit the "other side"! This he said, she said, two-party system, is the root of why we can not get anything started. Everyone is always on one side or the other side of every issue. And then I come in with my explanation, with both sides will use, not to solve the true nature of what is happening, with all life on this planet, but as a way to work it for their benefit! Are we so jaded, that the end of all life on the planet, is simply a way to win for your position? Just so that you can convince enough people to follow your point of view, and not another's point of view that actually does do what needs to be done! Talk about cutting off your nose, to spite your face. Since we know that life on this planet, for all life that is based on carbon, has an expiration date, that only can be changed if mankind is still on this planet. Without mankind's interference with maintaining carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, at a high enough level for that very life to continue. I am not here to convince people, about what is happening to the sequestration of carbon, into unavailable use, this is easy to see, once people start looking, all I am doing is waving a flag to get people TO LOOK! Reach me at Or by phone @ 402-890-7946 or to read more on this most important subject go to Thank you for reading my short post's. Dan
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