Global Warming and Climate Change} Glacier replenishment
I have spent quite a bit of paper on desert and semi-arid area's, because that is the best place to put the long term effort into. But I must strongly remind everyone, making sure that we keep staging the same amount or even greater amount of ice on the planet! Until we have enough ground cover and therefore cloud cover, to improve the temperature regulation ability's, that those two item have been lacking in, for the last 2 to 3 million years. We need the cooling and sunlight reflecting powers of ice and snow to keep the planet from warming up too quickly. Plus many area's of the planet use, the water's staged as ice, for it's needs all year long. This work of ice and snow replenishment, in many places, once the necessary dam's are in place, would not be a year around job, as the desert and semi-arid area's would be. Unless this beginning of river's would also turn into collection points for preventing flooding downstream and therefore, another place to collect and send water from. While many people would be required for this aspect of the overall plan, there should not be anything like the number's needed for the replanting of the deserts and semi-arid area's. And the cost of this action of ice replenishment, I fail to find anywhere near as much, return on the investment. Perhaps someone can find a way around this, perhaps as ski resorts or outdoor adventure's. Or perhaps be associated with some of the "town's" so some of the work force can be used at both area's? Their may also be by necessity, more interaction between these area's and the rest of the planet downstream. Reach me @ 402-890-7946 or at Feel free to reach out at any time! Thank you Dan
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