Global Warming and Climate Changs} Summary of why?

It seems that, I think that I am explaining something, but people are not understanding everything that I am saying. They have ask me to break down the ideal of why we need to replant the deserts and semi-arid areas to stop global warming, not just take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.                                Let's start with the fact that, 1} we do not have a machine that we can simply turn on, and have it suck the carbon dioxide into a giant pile of carbon. And then bury it like the largest landfill in history! 2} Mankind's need for fossil fuel's to be used for everything from heating our homes, to cooking our food's to running our t.v. and lighting the whole planet (it seems) not even to mention our cars, tractors, and trains. These needs are not going away any time soon. The most important thing is 3} Removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, needs to be done so that the planet will regain it natural ability to regulate it world wide temperatures, by replacing area's of the planet that takes the sun's ray's and converts those ray's to heat, that warms up the desert's and oceans of the planet. Instead take those arid and semi-arid places, put a ground cover to start with, (alfalfa would be a great start) so any light ray's that hit that ground cover is transformed into energy for growth not simply into hot sand! (we all have had our feet burnt by walking on hot sand, but never ever, by walking on green vegetation! {Of course we may have gotten thorn's in our feet or poison ivy, but that another story} This green ground cover would start a process that would then add water vapor into the surrounding air, while eating up carbon dioxide, and over the years depositing much of this, now carbon, into the soils. Then this water vapor would cause, clouds to form, which would reflects more of the sunlight back into space and not adding more heat in the process. As a plus, not only does the clouds reflect the sunlight back into space, but it also acts as a thermal blanket to keep the air temperature at night more constant. The less temperature extremes that the planet has, locally and world wide. The less violent will be the weather! Another plus is that we will enjoy more rainfall around the planet. Reach me @   or by phone at 402-890-7946 Thank you Dan


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