Global Warming and Climate Change} The Ideal way to start saving the panet and help refugee's!
But what if the world government decides I am full of beans. Or more likely, will not even bother to listen to someone with NO standing in the scientific world, How should they then choose to remediate extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, at the lowest cost? The least amount of trouble for the economy of the planet, while keeping water levels from rising in the oceans? And preventing places that rely on glaciers for there water source from losing that source? And where would they get the manpower necessary for whatever they decided to go ahead with? First off the extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, many people agree that using it for plant growth would be the cheapest fix. Every organization on the planet could have a planting party, to help with global warming, every year. The need to remove about 200 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is a heroic task, (removing 200 gigatonnes will take 100 parts per million of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, which equals about 50 years of increase my mankind when we add about 2ppm every year.) Right now there are around 1500 gigatonnes in the soils of the planet and another 500 gigatonnes in living plant life. Meaning that if we could plant enough to create about 60 to 70 gigatonnes of plant life as the plants mature, that in around 10 years that growth will increase quite a bit with carbon now being stored beneath those plants as soil carbon. That would go a long way towards the goal of removing 200 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. How much land would we have to replant to be able to achieve that goal? If there are 500 gigatonnes of living plant life on the planet right now and we wish to increase that to 565 gigatonnes then we will have to plant around 13% of the planet's surface area with new plants and keep them watered, tended, harvested, seems like a lot for volunteer labor! The Sahara desert contains about 3,300,000 square miles. If we had access to 5,000,000 people for the rest of there lives, and access to enough water to replant 10 % of that desert in 20 years, each person would be responsible for about 20 acres as their own. Now it does not seem like a lot! Reach me @ Or by phone in the USA @ 402-890-7946 Thank you, Dan.
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