Global Warming and Climate Change} I try to convince people about sequestration of carbon dioxide .
But it is going to take, noted scientists to produce the needed documentation before the population of the planet will take note. While this is the proper way, it is also time-consuming, and someone has to pay for it. Even once it is done there will be conflict inside the scientific community about what this all means. In the meantime, we know that stopping the polluted rivers of the planet from entering the oceans will help clean them up, and this river water is still excellent water for growing plant life (with a little clean up where needed ) and we know that increasing the plant life around the planet will reduce the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. And we know that there is a very large population of refugees around the planet, that are basically an unwanted problem for most country's. So even if scientists take years to come to the right conclusion that took me 40 years to do so, let's start now because my "solution" will only heal the planet of excess carbon dioxide, and solve the refugee crisis at the same time. As for helping the scientists along the path of discovery, the best way is to follow the carbon dioxide trail from the start of the first life on the planet to now. There will be some ups and downs of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere in the early years of life due to an extremely active planet but as that activity slows, and the rate of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere drops and the sun's intensity increases. ( one thing to remember is how much denser the atmosphere of the planet was in the early years of the planet as compared to today's very light atmosphere, and almost all of it was carbon dioxide! ) I do not know a way to tell atmospheric density in past times, normally you can only tell what the ratio of gases is. But some bright young people may know how or can design some way. ( I use current planets atmospheric densities to estimate our young planets atmospheric density.) Reach me @ Or by phone in the USA @ 402-890-7946 Thank you, Dan
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