Global Warming and Climate Change} let's do the rest of the math on temperature regulation.
Okay so in 30 years with a workforce of @ least 30 million ex refugees we will be replanting 16% of the surface of the planet, and every year after a new square mile of the area is replanted, the soil sequestration will increase by 15% until we would reach saturation after 8 years then the plant respiration will have increased to ( I hope you can see where I am going with this all of these numbers that have been completely pulled off of the top of my head ) because no matter how much observation science, could put into a day by day or year by year on the planet. Things change, conditions change, fire, volcanoes, sunspots, how dark the clouds become, just before a storm to change it reflecting sunlight ability, almost every aspect of life can not be accounted for unless you put the whole planet under a roof that is maintained at one temperature and an exact amount of light is given to each plant. Really all we can go on is the distant past, long before mankind even came down from the safety of the trees. When carbon dioxide levels were above 400 parts per million, most of the planet has plant life in abundance and the planet never got too hot or too cold. Which in itself is a problem in that we want there to still be lots of ice on the planet, when the old planet that I am talking about, there was very little. But we are still looking at a very short-sighted way of not needing to change anything of how we live our lives with building right down to a sea-level that we are used to. But look around, we are constantly changing, would it be so bad to not have any winters in much of the world and it would take many of our lifetimes for these changes to slowly come about, and we do have the capability to help, or hinder these normal conditions. Now when I see a 40-year new football stadium blown down and replaced with a billion-dollar newer stadium so that the fans and players can watch and play in the setting they deserve to be in. Well give me a couch in my own house with 75 cent beer, and instant replay and call me crazy but I am happy! (and that stadium was paid for by city taxes so that "our" team would not move away to somewhere they are more appreciated) I guess that the way I see things and the way that the billionaire sees things is quite different. Reach me @ or by phone in the USA @ 402-890-7946 or go to to read so much more on this most important topic, I do like to ramble just a little bit, Thank you, Dan
Just how fast can mankind replant the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet will all depend on the politic's of the planet, it is sad that so much power is placed in people that only worry about making money, gaining power and if need be, get re-elected! The masses are so easily duped by a smooth-talking, good-looking, egotistical maniac that seems to be a self-made millionaire, while in truth they have simply learned early on how to "play the system"!
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