Global Warming and Climate Change} On my last post, I was wondering if we should not try and explain..
The true nature of the planet running out of carbon, because it would be less complicated to simply explain how to repair global warming by replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet. And not get too in-depth as to why that would be the only correct way to go about fixing the problem. Meaning that it also repairs the temperature regulating ability that the planet has partially lost due to the creation of so many heat-producing areas of the planet, caused by the lack of adequate carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, that allows all areas of the planet to have plant life in abundance! When fully planted this planet uses moisture in the atmosphere as cloud cover to both blanket the planet to keep the surface, warmth in at night and reflexing much of the sun's ray's during the day to prevent too much heat energy reaching the planet's surface. I truly feel that withholding this truth would be the same as saying that mankind can not handle the truth, and only certain people are able to deal with such important knowledge. And if we can not trust the world's population with this truth, then what other knowledge is being held from us! Another way to look at this is how do we prevent corporations, from coming up with expensive fixes that would simply compound the problem for the future, by sequestrating more carbon, that can not easily be recovered later! So with this knowledge that the planet's ability to continue all life in abundance, rest solely on mankind's shoulders, will not sit well with some of the population of the planet. Some of these will be the scientist that have strongly stated that it is mankind's carbon footprint that has been causing global warming, and these statements were not wrong in why an increase in temperature would have the results that we have been seeing! If they were wrong it was in not understanding what the implications of having so very much carbon sequestrated and taken out of the most important carbon cycle of life. But each and every one of us has been brought up being told that mankind needed the planet to exist, not that the life on this planet now needs mankind to continue to exist! That is going to be one of mankind's greatest challenge, to understand the true meaning of that! I can be reached @ Or by phone in the USA @ 402-890-7946 Dan
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